Laserfiche WebLink
<br />, , <br /> <br />. . <br />.' . <br />,. <br /> <br />- 3 - <br /> <br />B. state exactly what is interx:led to J:e done on or with the property which does <br />not confonn with the City Code: <br /> <br />~:~:~~:~!:~:~:~:~j::::~::::l:{E~:~~:i:~~~:~:~:?:::::::::::.:::::::::~::~:::~::::~:-:1:::Y::~:'::~::::;::::~::::1"" .:....:....:... ;....:....;....:. -:<~:>j::::::::.~::.::-:.;.;.;;..:.~.~.;~.:.;;.~.: <br />;<_:;.:.:;':.<.;;. j::<<():::;~:)/i<1: ;:>:::::;:'::;::)::::::::'~::::;::::;: :::::(";:':'('(::::=:::::: ...'.......... ..... ::::"::::::',:",: <br />t~\~i~!~IF~E~}1~~~~\r:L~]J~/~:~:1\:tt~*;~.~:::~::::;:::.~:::::-:~:::-::::~:.::~:::.~..:~:::~::::;.:.~.:-:~.:.:~-:.:;:::~:::~::::~:'-~:::~;~..:~:~:j:~;~~;;~1;~;}>~:"~:':~:':'::':~:.::::: <br /> :~:.:~:.:~:..~...,;...~, :: .. - .. . 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Abstractor's Certificate listing the NAMES AND AIX!ID::>SES rn IABEI.S of the <br />owners of the larrl within 350 feet of the bouOOaries of the property in <br />question special use permit, rezoning, RID and a::aTIprehensive plan amendment <br />applications is 250 feet for variance, lot divisions, <br />prelllninary/final plat, house relocation, arrl vacation of right-of-way <br />applications is required. <br /> <br />C. Proposed Plans (2 copies) including site plan, larrlscape plan, grading arrl <br />drainage plan., am exterior;; elevation drawings showing building <br />materials is required. (1 copy for shoreline pennit) <br /> <br />D. 8~ x 11" reductions of the prop:sed plan (26 copies). <br />shoreline permit). <br /> <br />E. Written statement by the applicant which provides the details of the <br />application (26 copies). '!he statement will be given to ..J.h~ PI~ <br />Commission arx:l city Council alonq with the City Planner's report. (1 copy only <br />for shoreline permit) . <br /> <br />(1 copy only for <br /> <br />F.' Ib::urnents as required by the City Planner. <br /> <br />. <br />