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<br />,;' <br />;~/,. <br /> <br />EXJlI 131 'I' 13-1 <br /> <br />I'IWI'ElUY VESClUPrION <br /> <br />(Uverall uescl'iption of properly to be plutled as <br />CENIllE /,UINI( UUSINESS J>AHK) <br /> <br />lhill pad of tho Norlheasl (}11i1I"luI" of SucliulI 5, l()~III$hip 2!J, <br />~tln9(! 7.:1. 1{"\II1Sf~Y Count.y, Nll1nesota, \~hlc:h lies easterly of till? <br />casler'ly I ille or Interslate I/iylll'/ay rlo. 3~H. <br /> <br />Anu <br /> <br />TlI(1t p,l"l of the Southeast f}ual'lel- (SE 1/4) of Section five (5). <br />lUW"5/lIp lwcnl.Y-nillc (Z!1). HilIlY(~ twuIIly-lIwcl! (23). which li(!s <br />olle hullth"cu (IUU) feet Etlsterly of the following descr'ilJed line: <br /> <br />n e ~1 i r In i 11 g ., at il PI) i 11 ton l" e SOli L/I 1 In e 0 r 5 aid See t I (J n f I v c (5), <br />dlslant fOlll" lIullurcu ciyl1ty alld L~/ll lOIlLhs (~UO,2) fuel Hest <br />of the Southeast coroner thereof; thellce "UII Nodh~leste"ly at <br />tln ullgle of seventy-six degrees twenty."el!Jht mInutes (760 20') <br />\'lit" 5i1111 South section line f{)r nine hUIltJreJ oighty-lhree and <br />eiyht}'-five Illllldreulhs (9UJ.U!.i) feet; lhence deflect lo the rl9ht <br />(It. iI zero dCUl'ec forty-five millules (UO (I~I) CUrv(! (delta' allyle <br />ll'/olve deyrees fifty-olle minutes fifty-eiqht seconds) (120 511 <br />5U") fOl' one thOllSillld sevclI !JUIUJr"CU f I (teen and forty..e I ylt t <br />hUIJUreuL/15 (17J~j,48) fcut illld lhere lerlllillilLillg which lies North- <br />el'ly of Ule fuJ lowing descrlbed,Jllle: <br /> <br />11 e 9 i 1111 i "!J ilL c1 po i I1t 0 II l II e [ 1I S t. 1 i 11 e 0 f s c) IdS c ct i 011 fI ve ( 5 ) . <br />tlislilllt OllC Lllousallu sevcn JIlJlI<JI"CU sixty-rive (176S) fuut Nodh <br />of till! ,SOtlLllellst curner lhereof; thence run Westerly ilt ri9ht <br />ull g I e s \-Ii t h s " i d [ c:\ 5 t. 5 e c tl 011 1 i II C f (I r LIlt" e l! II u IIlI r' C d f 0 rl y - f i v (J <br />(3q5) fed; thence defIed lo !.III! left ilt ull i1l1gle uf Liddy <br />de~jn~es CjUO) (ur" five hundred (SUO) fe~t ilno terIl11natJl1~', <br />Exc(!pl lhe East Forty (E t1U) feet thereof taken for Clevelallu <br />Avcl1ue; <br /> <br />ill I accord ill9 to lhe U.S. GoverrHIIGIIL Survey llleruofilllu s i lUille <br />ill Hallisey CUllllty, Slille of Nillllesolil. <br /> <br />, <br />. <br /> <br />J' <br /> <br />v'-,......... _. . <br /> <br />31\ <br /> <br />Spver.1l>ililv <br /> <br />. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> <br />.<~ <br />,t <br />i <br />.! <br />1 <br /> <br />~,~ <br />:~ <br />!;' <br />'" <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />:> <br /> <br />! <br />r <br />I <br />f, <br />r <br />t' <br />Ii <br />Ii <br />l <br />f,. <br />I <br />t <br />I <br />I <br />!~ <br />I <br />r <br />b <br />f <br />~ <br />i' <br />~l <br />