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<br />-.-'.'-- <br /> <br />! city of Roseville <br />, -J, <br />PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE . <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <br />No'ice is hereby given that the <br />Planning Commission of the City of <br />Roseville will mee' at Roseville City, <br />Hall, 2660 Civic Center Drive, on I <br />Wednesday, June 7,1989 at 7:30 p,m,,' <br />for the purpose of considering the fol" <br />lowing request: ' <br />Northwestern College request for I <br />variances at 3003 Snelling Avenue'i <br />The College wishes to maintain its ex- , <br />isting driveway location at Lydia and: <br />Snelling which has a 0 foot se'back, <br />from the intersection instead of the I <br />required 30 feet and to have a 36 foot <br />wide oriveway instead of 26 feet, I <br />The City Council, of the City of i <br />Roseville, will meet on Monday, June I <br />I 26, 1989 at City Hall at 7:30 p,m" to \ <br />consider this request, , <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ! <br />Northeast 1/4 of Northeast 114 sub, I <br />'ject to Highway Ave. and easements! <br />in Section 4, Township 29, Range 23, , <br />Steve North <br /> <br />Steve North . <br />Acting City Manager '\ <br />(Published 'in Roseville.Falcon <br />_He~~~~.".~M.!y~~;,1.9~')p . <br /> <br />POST PUBLICATIONS <br />AFFI DAVIT OF PU BLlCA TION <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY OF HENNEPIN <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />55. <br /> <br />Walter D. Roach, , , <br /> duly sworn, oA.oath says thaJ.h" IS the~blosher or authorized <br />Kosevi~~e-~'alcon Heights <br />agent and employee of the publ isher of the newspaper known as the <br />and has full knowledge of 'he facts which are sta'ed below: it' 0 CUS <br /> <br />(A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constitu'ing qualifica'lon as a qualified newspaper, as <br />provided by Minnesota S'a'ue 33IA,02, 33IA,07, and other applicable laws, as amended, <br /> <br />(B) The printed <br /> <br />Pub. Hear. - Northwestern College request <br /> <br />for variances at 3003 Snelling Ave. <br /> <br />which is attached was cut from 'he columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once a week, for <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />successive weeks; it was first publ ished on <br /> <br />Wednesday <br /> <br />the 24th day of <br /> <br />Mav <br /> <br />1989 <br /> <br />and was thereafler printed and publ ished on every <br /> <br />'0 and including 'he day of 19 <br />and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as be' <br />ing the size and kind of type used in the compoSitiOn and publication of the notice: <br /> <br />abcdefghi i kl m nopqrstuvwxyz <br /> <br />~~ f);ct?~ <br /> <br />BY: <br /> <br />TITLE: <br /> <br />General Manager <br /> <br />Acknowledged before me on <br /> <br />25th <br />this day of <br /> <br /> <br />,~~- <br /> <br /> <br />~ i ,,\ .':'"--,,~:":=''( BRODA <br />~I, .. ,j:1 N01,.,,,:! ~"L.IC-MINNESOTA <br />':. 'i~<; >.')' H:::f ';"::".:: COUNTY <br />? ~~v r...:" CC:.;;~..':'::,::.\j E::X?IR2S ~27.G4 <br />'--.0 <br /> <br />May <br /> <br />89 <br />.19_, <br /> <br />".. '.;AN''''''.N~.< <br /> <br />RATE INFORMATION 1.40 <br /> <br /> <br />(I) Low"st classified rate paid by commercial users for com, S <br />parable space, (Line) <br /> <br />(2) Maximum rat" allow"d by law for the abov" matt"r, <br /> <br />S <br />(Line) <br /> <br />.45 <br />.45 <br /> <br />(3) Rat" actually charged for th" above matter, <br /> <br />S <br />(Line) <br />