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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />jIf~hlatUlP.1I <br />FDRUyJ <br /> <br />ARCHmcruRAl FORUM INCORPORATED (611) 831-5926 <br />4801 ~st 81st Street. Suite tal. J"'Ainneapol,s. MN 55437 <br /> <br />July 11. 1939 <br /> <br />Rick Jopke. Coae :nforcew.~nt <br />City cf' Rosevil1~ <br />2660 Civi~ Center Drive <br />Rosevi11e. MN 55113 <br /> <br />[;ear Ric.k, <br /> <br />Enclosed is the setback vat'ianc~ request ~or the Yer. Family's hUtl1~ addition. <br />As I r~cently stated to you, we have field measured the house Iccation and <br />found that. Ollr ~";Qinal assumothl1 of 30 ex~s;,.inQ side yard (Fulh<9r: St...e,!t; <br />set bacK of 15 feet, was inc~~rec~. The actual existinQ side yard s~tback <br />is 29.5 feet. This he1ps reauce the visual impact of the 5 foot addition <br />teing requested sinc~ all ~~jcr trees and shrubs along Fuiham Street will <br />remain in place. <br /> <br />The reason for our request of variance results tl~ the ex~sting house plan, <br />~~ich is configured ~itn kitchen/mechan1cal areas alor.~ the ~ide of exten- <br />sion. A revie~ of the ~xistiog fl~or plan, together with the proposed addi- <br />tion shows the logical extention of spaces and roam relationships, Cthe'- <br />studies bec~~ less efficie~t and mnre costly. <br /> <br />The Yens have r~si ded in Rosev; 11 e for many yea,s and witi', e ilrr-i\!d i of <br />a new baby, intend to continue 1 ivii'lg ther-e. The cOl!IT\itt1Ttf!!.t to suen i!!i <br />extensive addition attests to t~eir satisfaction ~th 1~cation and comm~- <br />nity. We r~spectfully request you~ favora~le conside~ation of this vdiiance <br />reques t. <br /> <br />ReSDectfully yours, <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />~ --:7'~~ <br />~~'?'~< ~';r-' ~. <br />Gera ld Manara <br />Pr;ncipal/Arr.~itect <br /> <br />GM/wen <br /> <br /> <br />