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<br />lO~l:C <br /> <br />:;:O~I};G CODE <br /> <br />10.1P~0. <br /> <br />Q[f S't_r.C'i?'t =-c~:.d i_='.:2-~~L:> _~'_. <br /> <br />One lo~ding spdce s:-;..121 r:~. t-"',;,::.~.'J:'--:t_~j l::.....JJ,} I;-;.~~:::;~~-.:_~l Dist.ric~s <br />in, con:1ccticn .it:.h all C:..11~ :__':..:;~~ ...:- 3C'.:11~:!.0!1~; n:erea!ter erected, <br />having a g~oss floer -".-" .-~T }O,('J(:c: square !:e_cL or ~ore, _'hich <br />is to be ccc~p3.ed ~'\' a us.e ~:- L!ses req"'uiring the receipt or <br />distribution hy v(~icles of ~aterial_ One additicnal space shall <br />he pro'lid"Q fc: e.3cr, 20,('(';(; sqt:<:re feet: or major :traction <br />thereof over t:1e origi~31 10. GGO sq'WdrE fec::.t. <br /> <br />J.O.l€.O. Pr0hit:ited l:s~s irr._~r:jus-:.r_ial Dis"t1".i.cts.. <br />Prohibi't.eo uses lnclu.:ie all ~ses not spe(:i fic:ally enuwerated j.:. <br />Sections 10.270 throush :0.320 as per.<<ittec or accessory uses.>r <br />uses by sr:.ecial pernit.. R€sid~r:tiijl, cO::t'r:-~er.:::ial and p~bliL. cses <br />such as schools and ~hu~chtS :all lhto the prohib~ted use class. <br /> <br />10..170. Noise in rnd~~'tri~r Dis~;=')~!2-=- <br />Any use estabJ.ish~d. in an ~!ldl~~.t:-i~l District shall b€ so <br />opc'tdtec that no nci$~~ t"t?St~:. 't i!:9 :!-O~ sa id oP'.=r-~t.i(\n \ljhich "'''ould <br />constitute a nteisance is perceptibl<: b~Y0n'J the pr€-"~ises. This <br />sectio~ dOE:s ~ot apply tQ :~C" .:r.:lffic" parki,ns and off <br />street loading cpera~lons, <br /> <br />:O.lSO. SmQke in In~~striAl ~is~J-ic~~~ <br />The e!::ission of smoke or p3!'Cicul:!.t" ",-",tt'.er 1S prohiblt.ed Io."here <br />such e::1iss ion is perc!?pt ib' "= be:.'o~.i t", pn:; to th.? degree <br />as to constitut~ a n~isa~cc_ <br /> <br />JO.190. <br /> <br />I.(;X~\ c Mat_ t€'r ~ <br /> <br />t~o use shall, for ;i:~Y ;.'ETlCG or <br />bound~ries cf t~e :~t ~~2rpin it <br />~atter of such con~e~tration as to <br />th-:: public healt:-:. sl~f"_~~y, CO:-_fL.~-t: <br />or damage tc prc;-::c.rtr 01:" :)usir:("~-:s_ <br /> <br />t 117;2, d isch~rg~ across the <br />is IGc~~ed, to~ic ur oeX10US <br />be d~trirnental to or endanger <br />~r ~~!fare, or ca~s~ injuI! <br /> <br />10.20(". 0j~~!"_~~ <br />The cwis.slo;: 0: cc,_...~-~::_&~.: <br /> <br />:-'..!~ t..:-:- <br /> <br />:...~ r..;. -.:; <br /> <br />~T~~nt.2 t le.3 :35 tc be <br />\..... t~h: ir~::;:cdiate sitE: <br /> <br />i"c<~djlY de':.:f"ct~~::~:~ t"t <br />is prc:'i~bi't(<i. <br /> <br />~ :: .:' <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />: : . ,.: . ~ :. : '..' ~3 <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />:(~.:~c. <br /> <br />~'.: : :: 7.,::- : .:, ~~ : ~ . <br />-~------ --_.-,-- <br /> <br />Any :~::::f' '.-: ..::.:~\ :.. -.: ;'f'~' <br /> <br />. .,'.. ~~, .. \: 7".;: ~'.:: l': .}~_ 1 '..~:-'s:, ~::;~2~ ~~s ~r0 <br /> <br />(:"r~~t(<:i by ~..:".1'\.&~' dr.:;~' ~ :'!',""":~_~: ,';- ~:."~v'~' ~-:'.";':--::"1:.~~ ic s:.~:-,,-:--~"Is, shJll bt: <br /> <br /> <br />. . <br />t'\."'J.y~'")n,-~ <br /> <br />~_ t:~. <br /> <br />rr~..r:: t: t' ~~.j <br /> <br />.. - <br /> <br />~ ~ .... - ~--., <br /> <br />t'- t' ~'~-- c r- ~ <br /> <br />: :... : i" <br /> <br />...: : :- :- . ~ ~ ~ '.' <br /> <br />. '.' ~; <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />l'...'u;~j,);-~.c~; ~... ":.~.- <br /> <br />~: : , <br /> <br />:- : -: ." <br /> <br />1 ". ...... :. {~ . <br /> <br />~_._:__:~_~..: \. ~- ~ t~f' ~ '!: <br /> <br />h"',~l <br /> <br />:.-~~~,~...:. ~ <br /> <br />t'L' <br /> <br />pc-rf(!'c::~~"~ <br /> <br />Ai.}" ert:'i:.,l't 1..:':-:. r!-,""', ;..,;l ,;, ::." <br /> <br />, ~~ ~ ~:;.. <.J.. .1! t' <br /> <br />,-.. <br /> <br />~';.~~"':::.1 ~_, <br /> <br />. ,.. <br /> <br />-. . <br /> <br />1-':- <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />