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<br />Implem~f\t;!tion of Design Standards Changes <br /> <br />Pac;e 18 <br /> <br /> <br />SIgn!; ail':': Bilibi)arc~s :Pa;e i}... <br /> <br />This s...:~tion Qf <br /> <br />the <br /> <br />orji~lar1L~ <br /> <br />,~" . - - <br /> <br />~ Io'.-;:h s;~;n ~_;-::~~:~~ <br /> <br />21iC sI.~:jda:-':~ <br /> <br />:2l3:~i' <br /> <br />all districts il' the C~Qde. r;....ou;:: lS sec:t;c:~-! c~f the,t.:'e ....".;JLilj praba~~> <br />benef~t fTo!:: c c3:-~ful reexa:;:ina:..:c;\. ::'~1is ::tapt~i ~3S wc;-~<e~: r..;uite '''\I;cd a\ ':'; <br />t~ )'eCi;-s. <br /> <br />.4n ame:ld:ne;;: !las 5oug~;e5:!:d a~l::)..-.. ~i1g ; -- t~e constr...H:tiG~. " !fgruw~;':: <br />signs!' at a lEs:;~; G1St3:1Ci?' f:-,j~--: Lhe st.re8t :~9ht-;Jf-\\"ay ~~~;f: L-~:~~i. '~":a <br />est3~lishe.j fOf ;:;.,:100 signs.. :..i3r;~- \'a:-jCinCe.5 ha\..-e t-ee;1 consicc:i€.:J 'anc ap~rcvt..:(l <br />substituting a grc_ji1~ 5;~r: for ::1 ;.~: ~o:. Sli;n. ':w'e 5~ggast tr~t t~e 6et:.:;!ck: fc:- <br />a ground sign be I"ech.,;ce-d to cne-~1al f :If t~at of 3 ~+yior~ Sign if tr1e .;rotlnd <br />;::ign area :5 also le.~uccd b:, cfle-ha..: :Jf tT1at allo........~d as 3: pylon sign.. 1 ~t!s, <br />in many O!stl Jets a _.rou~;d si~r; ~vulc ::'~~ l~' feet baL" '~:'-Istead of 1J feet:: r. ~HJ <br />have aft area, In r:13 Ij' cases, aT 52 square feet;rather than laG $Qua,e f~et '. <br /> <br />T~is then compietes tht a;'1alys:s :Jf thp. ~e\fi.)ri1lal)~e standa;ds and de\.'€ic;:rncnt <br />poii::ies as cortained I!o,,'itt--j U-ze Zonin; CTjin3r.~e as ~ts exists today.. It 'vw'Oujj <br />appear that E (]2i1cia! l)blectrv~ to LJU SOI~~E.' of t:~ d~velopmefit and <br />pe.forma~ce sts;;dards together clnoer ;3 ~jngie se.:::Uor. r,"i2V ~!" appropriate. <br />This wouid ~iiminate c;}f's~derab,e ~uplicatior. ('no scrr.e conft."i;,m as the <br />l"egulations .....sry ;'f..""--'. district ~L' d;stiict. <br />