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<br />~mplementatiOfl of Design Standards Chan<;-es <br /> <br />Page 19 <br /> <br />I:'''':VENTOr-~ '{ OF E)(iSTH'..iG Pf"~)...F:1r:-~!,"1.:;r."J~-_- ~ :; T ~'-~l-)..:'\t~:=-)S <br /> <br />-, <br /> <br />'lou wiH have rloteJ fra:T: the !",-. It;.....' ..;f ~::c existj:-i9 Zon~n9 Ordina:":ce <br />,egu!ations that sp:-ead throt;gh"'''~ ..~:e ~:Jruj"a"cf' arE' varioGs requirement>; for <br />screening, Jandscaping, and techn:c:ues for 2ccomlnod;:;tmg co:npatibiJity between <br />\ariDUS ;and uses. We s~ggest that ~he3e l'~qu>?c:-,ents be ~L.;lie.j together in a <br />sect!on o~ the Ordinar!ce :'0 ~e ::a!1ed P~rf(jrn-;ance S: 8ndards ;03Z related t:J <br />cari.i~r) to '..vhich more stringei.t :-~q:.;:r-~rr;::nts -.......0t~lj :)E addf::C: retatIng to <br />hand;ing of the fclIowing C'Jndl~J:)c1S; <br /> <br />1. T:3Sh Handling Screer'llnq <br /> <br />Dumpsters, trash <.'1d trash h'3r;djing ~G"ip".r;;nt shaJi toe stQ!'ed wlthm a <br />~rinciple structure, within arl ;::ttac-hr:-.-! stn"!ct!J:e ccc2S3ible fro~1 '.vithii1 <br />the pr~nciple structure, ana se;-\,jced by an Gverhe~d dua:- to the ex.terior <br />u~ ~he facility, H a ztructuie j~ attacr,ed fQr this pu.pDse, it !:.'1a:i be <br />of t"e same material as the principip. st:',-,c.'!re, accessible to the <br />struct'Ji'e from the inte.ior. and shaH be rO;:J7C'll. Th~ ioeation af such <br />trash handling faci1iU~s $:-i.::;!i ::e sited SCiS to be inconspicuou$ as <br />fJ~:..~ibl~ to the contiguous 1 :,~:.~;c j:ghts-;jf -"vay. <br /> <br />S~rvice Areas Screening <br /> <br />AJ! external loading and sen:ce a!'eas accesslbJe to blJijdin~ must be <br />(,:;Jmpietely scree~d ir .)Tn the gro:Jrod ip." ,?; v ie..... of contigL:ous r~sidential <br />prope;t ies ar;d adjacent "tr~ets, exce?! at driveway access points, <br /> <br />- . <br /> <br />Rooftop '-JUlities ScrecmQ <br /> <br />Rooftop utilities shail <br />and adji.'cent streets, <br />materials similar te; <br />st:-uctur.. being served, <br /> <br />be CQmpletp.'~ sCiee'~ed f:-om .:ontiguous properties <br />RooftQp;; 5'12:1 ::p. sCTf'ene6 \..!t~ par:!pets or other <br />c;nd cl1mpat:blf: with e-:teriQ:- rnateriais Of) t,ne <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />L'(. "er Utilities <br /> <br />Other uti~itie$ such ?3 frteters ;j!1d CQ:1oense;-s shaU !)e ID~ated ta ~nsure <br />ti'::::;r proper function an" faciiitate cas". mamtenanCe. AIl utilities shall <br />~le tjta:t) s('r~e:1ed '" ;~) --.,: e~ 2-~€'\ t"': \'ic'..~,,' L-0~'il i:1ajacent propert :es and <br />~ubnc st;~~~... \.Ji;:~.:::;r.g .s:-n!j~r ani".1 ce~ni=.nt'b~e 'li::::it~ria1S to the .,rlncipie <br />strucluri". <br /> <br />~, Vehicular ::~~ <br /> <br />AU nffstrf:~t p9:"':"'i:1:; spacP.'$ CG;I~~i;li~0 ~~or:~ th.:Hl si-, :,~' p;;rking spaces <br />contiguCt:$ to ;!rpa~ :;.ha:~ :"':e ~Lr~eq("d ;,\'ztt: fencing and/ur <br />land~cap!ng s..~ ~I~ :,) eff~~:ti\ E<.' :~)!>;:;j~ ~'~'e,,!~v2-; \ is.i:)r) tL. a height of 3 <br />feet, <br /> <br />5. Ughtif)~ <br /> <br />Litjhlirt~ fi'd.u;-es :~h~U ~'e 3 ,,--~0\'\'::C:~$t_, .....l:ti...ff t" ;-,t~, L,ln~e3!iTlg the light <br />$ource t.ain \ ~f~,\. ~n~~ ;~rt'\~"'illt:hJ ,!~~:;,'~ fr\Y~) $~1jU~!1g lnto r~$:dp.ntia! <br />