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<br /> <br />bnplementation of Design Standards Changes <br /> <br />Pdge 20 <br /> <br />a;-eas. ~jghting :ei,.'~15 Q~ c~n~ig~ous ~p.s...;e!"1tial prDperl.Y i~n('s sha1: not <br />exceed one-half foot candie. Ie\:els sha~i j€ :~;a!ntain!.'d ?: .9 <br />foot c2:1di-:?s for general pa:-"ing af1d pedestria~ are~js. <br /> <br />A.s noted It"'i the p.e'","ious sect;on describing €xj$tin~ de\'~lcr~ilent C'ontr~l ~n th~ <br />Zvr:ing Ordinance, \,ve suggest tha~ !he Planning CQfiimis510:1 and :"::ol;o;:H <br />C"ons!oer amending the Or.......nance to requi:-e s~te pl~n o?pro'\:-al for an <br />development:; .ather ~han jiJst the new ZGf)i:1g Ordinance$ ;;.dopted witr.iJ) the <br />last :;even~~i?-. )'-e:ars.. Such a process ;Jrovir;es a ~oJe e~'fective Wd;' of <br />as.')uring ~hat these and ot~r Ge~;!gn stancads (including :necia! mlr;imll'1O <br />i"'p.::fuiretj"ents~ :Jre :-TIf:: thrDug:-; the evahlation Gf specifi~ site grad:ng, <br />ia'\dscapin;, 8:1d p.eii, architecturai plans pre,>cnted i:~ ;; site- p:ar. <br />review. <br /> <br />;.., ~;r;;nif;ca~t perce-nt3ge of new de,,'eiopment j,1 the City today oc.:u.~ IIi cne <br />Of ..1!ire Qf these r!eW zones, and ~his is air~ady subject to tl>e site pial'! <br />reVIt::w precess. Deve!':Ipmer.t ~n other zonEo~ ::3- '. B-2, 3-3, and !na!;strial <br />~ones) f;'eG~entl} require varianees m" speciai use permits, and therefore are <br />subject t~ a PI<lrmi.'1g C:Jmffii~sion and C>:>unciJ ;::Jbiic rev,"'.....' pro!:es:> in any <br /> <br />ca~e.. <br /> <br />We have asked the Building Je;>artnent to de~::rmine., t..:: the extent the)" can. <br />the number ;)f developments !toOt wouic tJe aff~cte:: by such a 00101 <br />require1nfmt. This in~ormC!t:on wilJ be helpful :n determining whether this is <br />an ;>pproprj;:t~ ;=Qur~e of action. <br /> <br />We INCould sugqest, as noted iater in th!s report, that deve:opr:'e:1ts invohing <br />minor cxt>an~:en (up to 10 percent) wallie not ~"qu;:-e such !"eview and we.uld <br />~e h~!ow the threshold th;::t would require bringing (t nanc;mforming site and/or <br />budding to LOde. For instance, 3 ,.i8:king iu~ 'Ni:.hout prope:- ~oC'crete ~r~s <br />wou!::J nvt have lJ be broug:n uj: }.;) code tota:!] ; f tbe ~>:pansion is !e~ !han <br />1(; perr:~ftt. <br /> <br /> <br />