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<br />Implementac.or; of Design 5tal1dards Ch<!I1')es <br /> <br />Page Z 1 <br /> <br />~..JILDH-J;~ S[,_,--,tF<~"T'T ST,.:'>~~;.\:::_::;S <br /> <br />Attached a5 --l.ppen-j; '\ ;5 J :-'ne'~:':, ":3!.t.-j Septe::'It-e:- :::f1~ 198? fr:J~n ~~n!s <br />iv1coney, Ciii"1f: Pre\'entHJl'~ ':;ff~2"~rt tv ,~~h~e; :=elinsk.~. l!1e first paragraph of <br />t.his memo feCO~1ri1ends tha~. ~":-:e .::it:~ :;dDpt ~(:r-tc;if1 "sL..::urity sta:--dar~ directly <br />fron') Chapter ~~, ,'\p~.~;--:~i, ~} of t~e bui!din'~ C0ae'\ The ::-Ufr-ent 1988 i...-;3C <br />buHding ct:de 3cd:~jon renu:;I~e:ed Cnapter .:.t.l ~o ;='1a~te1' 1310. a copy Jf <br />whi~h is litta~hed 5~. 4.p?e"~,x :. <br /> <br />\"ou \"~H not€ ii1 :-eadi[')g the 8rdinance t~at Se-cti"-;p 1310.0100 t!irouQh Sect.ion <br />131:1.1100 :the fIrst ele"en sedicr.s Df tt'IC crJtal ::hapt~r; describes - the tJ<!si,' <br />r~qujre'nent '.vhl. e ~he ,c'1~~!!1jer of ,1';1.' sections In thi~ chapter r~Ji'lte l1,ai,,'" <br />to tS$tin~ and technical standa,d!; for ,esj,ta;-!t:e to unlawful entry thn, ,.gt: <br />doors and windows. -,\i:o."), jn S~ctivr: ""10.0:0Q, ~hese :;ro\'!SIOO$ apply 0:'\1y 10 <br />"dwelE;:g units or gues~ ,0("-<15 of <;;';)UP~ R-l, R-3, a~d K-4 occupar>cies". Iii <br />othr- ~ wu~ds the!' appi~ tQ onI;. :-esidentia; units. <br /> <br />Chapter 1310 in genera! set standards for construction ma;Zing it ve:-y diffictilt <br />to break through the ja:"1b. get arounG the lock through a nearby window, <br />farce the hitch t1ja~e, ,emCH! tho; hi"ge iJins, twist the lockset out, or <br />disassemble the ioc-\::ng components wit:) ordinar~ tG<:\!s in fi..e minutes. Many <br />af the req!J!remer,ts noted m this chapte. 3re more a matter .f common S20se <br />and ....ouid ~or s~,Qu;d; be applied in ,'iny situation whe!'e security is a matter <br />of cOflcern. For iost;:!1ce the simp..e twisting of tt,e cylirnrer out of the <br />lock-set is a v~r)' Cor7',ffiO'- oce~rrence. This orGinance would require Jot:!.:!.-ets <br />whe~e that i; not po~ibh~ \th~se <>re rcaddy available in the market). Chief <br />Zelinski and OffIcer ,.,<,c>nei have fvrr.ism:d us with cD~ies of a hurglary <br />record jr>dkating rm>2t~c!', acC";rret1('es ::<f manipulat:o-, uf !ocksets in ,he City <br />Oi Rosevi:!e fru;n ,\;:;!'i! i~, 1989 to Ju!y n, 1989. Attached is a copy csf <br />this ;-eport I1tJt~d a~ -'\p~ndi'( , <br /> <br />Chapter 13](j of U)~ State 6uiicing C.ode !s th~ "nOf:l':'landatcry building <br />security :-u!e~ff ~haptei. T~!S !;}eat1~ ~hat c!ties in :-..1;nnesDts are no~ requif ~ <br />to adopt ~hjs c:-J"pte., ::>u\ may j~ so. UpOIt consultation with tr.e State <br />8uil.1ir:g Cotie eprc:;entali'e~. :J!fice. ~..1o()np.i reported that no comrnunit), in <br />;.,':i;n,esQta ha$ ad0pt-:-~;:i '~:;e regu:dtioJ'\s. State Code ct!icia;.s reported <br />that the~\'C' tha:: ~I was due ~o U':,e pu~ib~e hig~ler C'cst$ of <br />ronstructio.t ,ha! wnu',: :..~ irj,-'~Jrr~d. Officer ?~'~OOi1ei agT~d to t;heck further <br />with Sa01? of ~he :)u: 1j~1$ ~!1 tr':f:' area c:1~'H1 th~ stat.!JS of siJch :eguta:ioft:.~ in <br />other ;Jart~ Qf t~e C~{;r!try. t-ie ",viH d~.;)..i see-a..: >:,1(<1'2 inforrnation regarding the <br />'-"'."..... .:;-,;~_""::' ~ '.,.....;.-;.. --:\."~~!P1'-:)S :.!nd '"~th~r !:I~r~ sirnpie n1etht)os at <br />pre\1e~...t~;~;~; brta~:-!i1$ :..~~D,.F)., t~~~ Chd~"gP--'-1 f1~ i~Jst<dlaticrr Cf' ~ciits ;-r"\r dcot~ ana <br />\tJindcw r"on$!.r:JC't~oq.. <br /> <br />Tr;e ~i$t of ~":'H'Gl:1t:L';; ~i,j~"~.i t ~~t'..~ :'::> ~iff i~('~ ~"~CO~1C:. aB occllred in ::~r.1mcrcr~! <br />est ab~ ~$h:T";ent5.. T ~H.;$~ L 'i{' "~..,jn~1~"lal~.j:.!!.()i':~ Su:!~ ~it\] Sec\Ji" it. y Rules~t cn.apt-e:- that. <br />T'~!at-es 0~ d~ t:} :-1::'~; .:j~r;~:.-=: J!~\ :,.'1 it);~::"";t'i(! '....,~J1;h:; \"')ot :~ :h:tres$ :Jtir bu!:~s~ ~{;"'~lai'~ <br />p;-oi);cHn. <br /> <br />Thcr~i~")r:!, ~t :.; <br /> <br />\Jp~:):-~;~! th;__~~ ;-~t ~ Jie (ictil.'tl I~ t~:..:en on i,")f~:S~ addlti:.}f1~I <br />~-"::"';]5;..,rf"$.;~ :o:"";;_~; ~ff\)i:~ should be rnade to dsceitain ,heir <br /> <br />St~(urit) stiin~~dr\~ <br />practi~~;-jl:~~ . <br />