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<br />ImplclOclltation Of Uesign Standards Changes <br /> <br />Page 23 <br /> <br />P~f~i<E.-J~ :...C;T F\O:F,-<~;\":::?-~:=i'\iTS <br /> <br />Sect;oL -..l 30. B..J?C~ ~,.u '" ;..;...:.,iw uf i.~1e .;'~C"nln Code lcqu;f"~$ ~t:at ~arklr'9 <br />a.eas :.~th sj-, ~r illcre carS-.Hi !'e5idei1~ial zones; ane aU parking ar;as in <br />busi~e~ and !n.justr.2.1 z~nes ~e b:..:~lt .....,ith p01Jn;o-i::-place ~ncr~te curb on <br />the pe:-iphef} 3;lC: t::at ~~e s.v:face ~e asp~ait Dr contrete wi!h speci:ications <br />as 3i'p!'twed b) the Put:ic Wo;-o.:s Directcr. Though th~se require-nents have <br />bee:-, ::inu are t:ei;-,~ e~f~:- ~d to date, tn€re a:-e a nU!1I::er of !::xisting park!!1g <br />lots ir"': tne Cit.y thu~ i!e:-e tuHt witi-tOt~t ;:oncrete curbing frQm ye-ar-s passed <br />before t:'1!S requi;-e~":')~nt 'A'i:\$ in ~ffe~t. <br /> <br />Curr!2nt D!"dinance~ O~ City ~o!:cy do fiot rnaio:.:e it clear ~ t!J: ci wflat point <br />such i~.:prove:nents wdi ~~e required '^.~€'!) pa:-king let irnprovemen!~ a"~ being <br />c0i15!ue,~d. Att3ci'>eJ i5 ;> copy of a rnerT'C jat>~leG ;"'ppendi" ~ and dated <br />::ept~'1'1t>e, ~> 1<189 h"c.:, Steven LJ. Gatiin, t';.:blic Works Director, to the <br />:;epc;.rt~ent Qf CQ~'.mUi1it; Deveiop7!"!enl arrc ?ubli~ \"or~s Staff. Th~s mernc <br />r:'~Gmrj)e!)js a set of c:-itp.ria as to when concrete curb~ng t~OUid ~e required.. <br /> <br />Ste\ie's ~asi~ r-ecc:;~n ~~lfctatjo[Js 3r~ that ::oncretc curting w~\.J!d be required <br />wher>; <br /> <br />"-. <br />8. <br /> <br />A fJ~rkiitg lot :5 ;~gi"aded or- n:~:cQns!..ruct.(:.d; <br />,\ parkif)g lot is ':orn;>!eteiy resurfaced (minimum of <br />ove,lay"; <br />..\ pat.king iQt 1$ ~'p8l'.ded; a!1d <br />.~ new parking jot is {:onstructed. <br /> <br /> bitum:p.ous <br /> <br />D. <br /> <br />ConCf!:te: ::urbi!1g ~'Vot...:ld ~ot :.:,e rE'~u~red when a p3:rking !ol i~ tJt:ing ~ea~coate~ <br />or surface treat~d ta soni~ way, or 'A"hen :here is mino: patching ":>f stJriace <br />repai!'" ~a\"er!ay ~ess than :5 .,e:cent\ <br /> <br />The pO'lcie~ a~ ;-ecor:,merloed are e;(c~lient. Howe"~r, tr.erc may De wme <br />.jc~ate a~ t~ ;h~ requj.~,.,..ent that any expeose of 3!'1 existing iot t:-igge.s the <br />require"nent to put concrete c;;rb ar.:;unC t!-:e entire let. Theoretic;]:!)', tT'lis <br />rcqu~;e!'!""'len:' ,$ ':aIid s:;;ce a p31~ki!1g lot no:: boUt to t'urrent standard3 !S <br />no~t'on7or:~I~.. Tt'!f! R.~sp.ville .:Jrdinance, as rn~st ordinances 2r~ in 1hi5 <br />C'oufttr)... r~q:. i'e th~t 3 nOtlCQnfvr:ning iJ:;.~ or deve!oprnent cannot be f.-xpar;ded <br />unies: ~!. ::'01.f O.~'!1.$ \.\:it:1 GrdinarrCp. ;'~(-iui:ements.. T hu~, b> th;~ :ru;Tnai <br />l:~ler;:'i'e!..atio=-, of 3Ho~-at<e eXya.f'j~i~Hl cf a r\(\~cnfOrmJ.h~ Js.e, :-1 :-eq\41r~~~ertt <br />that ttte ~()t be brQu9-~t up to orciinaoce standards se~:ns vaiid~ Howe".i~r! i! <br />tf:t:~re ..1 d h1;-;.d~ f~XI:'.(iI~:J 1 Lit.. (.'"ii!i. ..:t i~\.Jf,,--........tfu.t.q..~ ~...~:..~~..::,~: ~:"'J,...-v...- <br />S(";tt.fK"~ ~ !~~t~ cost. c! tcL~~ i:npro\ternenls :..rigge,ed ::-~' a s~11:);1 expar~ion vn ~he <br />lot 1nd~ be CQi\.$.!dt":-eod a ha:",;jsh~p in sorlie- c~ses.. <br /> <br /><..' ~- <br /> <br />of ~he ~t,,::I.jl;~S. <br />disCfH;i"a9f.1;~ t:-\"'('.~~JS(':' <br />par'<F'1j :at. <br /> <br />i~u3~ <br /> <br />;,a:~;:~-: ~o~ e,pansions ar~ ti"!g~1P.ted by an expan.:;i..1!'"'\ <br />s~;~3l1 sca! t?xpansio:1 nf 2: strlict~!re '-nay h2' <br />.\;o:JI{~ i'eQJ.l~;-~ tota~ ~rnp:-ov'?~e-i1t5 "f the- p.""I~tii1g: <br /> <br />It is aIs.~ ~f:,J~ t~at !ne$t <br /> <br />.\r. l~f\tlona; ~ri~-2'rlc :"-..a: ~)C thet a:)~ E'",:<pansi;JO nf ~ par-~i!"Hj 1ct I."'")u;\~ .-eQutif' <br />cur~ins h~fG!"t: :hat 3r~~ e'\pands.. if the parking lot ~s expan"ec ;T)o~e t~1a:'\ <br />10 rc:':.:-~~~t! th~'r.. t~f' P!.~U~~ ~I~; ~-':In ~~t> hiu~}ght up to code.. ThiS:'O percent <br />critt.~na n:=:~'Jh~.s to .:2 $i,l:d~r stap]' "Ji'C diSCUs.....;ed ..vith the Li1gir":.f:cr,ng and <br />hu~!din; Staff "'(:l~fh:'g l0 thor pol!;:\. on pa:-~ing lot ('\.raiIS~iJn as tt re!at,,~s to <br />~Jn P,;"I:-H1S!;i', l)~ t~f' ~"-~;;~_.~.n,::.. Thf' f..)~:~'Wl.,g $t'=:i'~liL'\f\ dea;.s. ..vith ~~d~ ~\:est!~-,r.. <br />