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<br /> <br />;! L ;' ;" ~ <br />. ! <br /> <br />... t ..... <br /> <br />. ':.1 \~' . <br /> <br />!\ . <br />, <br />\ <br /> <br />742'60 <br /> <br />ZCNI~~G CC~:E <br /> <br />7.260. pc~~t~ed ~ses ~~ <br />The fcllo~i~g a~e pe~i~~~j <br />Dist:::-iC',:s: <br /> <br />3.:.~~:e <br /> <br />~~~i:'; ?e~i~ence Distric~s <br /> <br />Si;:g':"f~ Fa.:::l ~-',,~ <br /> <br />Resider1CE <br /> <br />".,::::~:;,.:- .. .,..... <br /> <br />.. ~ <br /> <br />1. O~2 fa~ily detac~ed j~elli~qs. <br /> <br />2. ?~blic parks and piayg=~u~is. <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br /> ra~lrca~ <br />trz. i TIS, bu t ~a"t <br />sidir1gs. <br /> <br />right-~f-ways for the mG~e!~ent of through <br />tc include s~itching: sto~age yards or <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />Churches.. cC!1ven'!:.s~ lib~a:-ies a;-.d Ci't.y. <br />that: no strt:.cture O!.' bUlldi;1g shall be <br />to any aajac~nt lot in ~n R DistTict. <br /> <br />[:,uild~_:ngs, pra\tided <br />nearer th~~ 30 fe~t <br /> <br />r______ <br />,! \ <br />~ s. \Public, priva~e and par~~~ial, ele~~nt~ry and seconder] <br />sc~ools, u~iv€rsit:es o~d c~lleges and activities operated <br />or ~ronscred by such ihst:~~~i~ns pr~vided that: <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />inclucG <br /> <br />~he 1J.S~ by <br />dc:::-:-:;ito:::-ies <br /> <br />ej~o.lcatic:12.l i:1sti t:itir.ns d~es :let <br />or rac~i~g space fa~ st~dents; and <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />No stru=~ure C~ buil~i~a shall be ~earer than 3~ feet <br />~o ~ny a'~~acen~ lot in an R District. <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />Low impa~t public or quasi-public uses as defined 3t Sec~io~ <br />5.495 cf t~~is ~ode~ whe;l loca~ed in a publiclv c...,;:ned <br />b~ilding, cr a ~uildi!"!g ,,-.hi~h \'i'as for7:1erly publicly o'\.\.ned <br />an.~ .;.~ nc~~. o~"~!1ed by a Cht~rch, p:::-c~.lid.ed That no _5trl1~'ture <?r <br />bUlld~.:'1g sna.:.l be nearer -c:h:=.n 30 ree,t to any adJ3.~~'!H: lot :J.!"i <br />an R Dis~ric~. In ~o case sh~!l the totai pa~ki~g 11eeds of <br />lo...~ i~Fac't p1,.1D1.1C or':,,:::,::::.:-; uses on a si~qle site <br />exceed the P~"r~:l~'; c::,p3~i-:.y alre3.dy existirc for t:--.e <br />b~:ld~~q ~p~ p~c~i~cs ~he~c ~~c uses are lcc~~ed. <br /> <br />,,:," <br /> <br />. ,:,.' <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />7.;---('.. Pr!-:ttcd .~.c_~~~~~~T-'::': ::.S0s__:.L7:_~3-~~~rjst.:::c't.s. <br />Pe~-::-:it~cJ a;:;:c'ss.::ry "..lS0S ~~1 ~-l. =~-..s::::--:~,,:.s a:-8: <br /> <br />1.. P:-iv~t~c: ~.-:-3~:e C~ ;:'~~~:~_~d s~_'}"-:c. <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />Pri~,~tc s~i~~i~q ~c~:. <br /> <br />-' . <br /> <br />\... ~: s t. ..:--:-:- :: :-';' ::-' :- :. ~ '~":-: ~:.:: \- - - - <br /> <br />:....::2:-::.3 "13 :.;.:c;....~-4-"~..~~.Cl by ~:....:,~-; <br /> <br />Cc..ic. <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />~f <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />~.::::~ -c~!.-s. <br /> <br />t.... <br /> <br />....... -- <br />.... . ~- , . <br /> <br />t',," ~l-,_:t"'~-:;' <br /> <br />:'\C ('I ;_~: :-:.~-: <br /> <br />..,...,.... <br /> <br />7"'",;..'"':~ -=..' <br /> <br />,:. r: \...' <br /> <br />........... <br /> <br />" . '. <br />":.~L..S ;:-:t:::~'~ : ~~:-:l ~:~. <br /> <br />5.. <br /> <br />~~:"":1;-:.~ <br /> <br />lr~~t~ ~~ :~~rS2~~ C~~::;'~j 0n ~~0 ~rc~iscs. <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />a. <br /> <br />,-- <br /> <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />'~ <br />~ <br />