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<br />7.99~ <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />ZO~I!iG CODE <br /> <br />~.l.. stag ing and ~i::~~::g of cc~s":~~c~:.~~:-:: p:-::;g~a:"': ~~g 1.:r-~less of <br />~hethe!:' t..';.e en't.i=e -:~s:a *'1. II be dE:""~lc:.ped at -:>ne ti::.e or -.1..L <br />stages. <br /> <br />12.. Such ot!:e~ reascn2cle in! as shQl~ bs rE:(p..llred by <br />t..'1e Cit.y. <br /> <br />13- The applic3ilt shall c~st a certifi:;:d bond in the a.!:lount of <br />one and one-half tiwes thr estimat~d cost of grading, <br />street and ~alk ~onstruction, ~tilities installation, <br />:::-ecree:.tional a:rea c.:mstructior. and land~caping tv ens~re <br />ccnst~ction and i~pl~~entaticn of the develcp~ent plan. <br /> <br />7.990. Violations. <br />Vie lations of this Ordin~"ce sha:il be a <br />da! of violation shall be dee~ed to be a <br />Nothing contained herein shall li~it <br />exercis~Dg any othe~ re=edy it ~i;h~ ~3ve <br />co~~liance ~:th this crdinan~e. <br /> <br />~isde~~anor. Each <br />$eparate offense. <br />the city fro..: <br />at la",.; to sp.c';.lre <br /> <br />8, Busin~ss Districts <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />8..010# Ge_ner~l Mi~i7:t:::: Re~..: ire~ent$. <br />The mini~u:!: requ.i re::ents. as s~t. fortt in ChaptE!~ 6 <br />herein, shall apply to ail buildi!\gs th~t =ay b~ e~ected, <br />c~nverted or s~rJ=tura:ly alt~red in 3usi~ess District3. <br /> <br />8.. 020.. :!"c~t. Ya.;-d S~'tb~ck "_ <br />front yard setback 5;'lall be 3(; f€'~t. in all Eusi~ess Districts. <br />Where actjace:rt str.lctU:-;5 haV2 frcn~ )~ard .5et.t3cks differe!!t <br />fr~~ these re~~i=ed_ ~he fro~~ yar~ set~ack shall ccn:~~ to th~ <br />c,ve.rage sett:ack of t..~e (":!.djacent~ st~.A...::t.i..:.=-es.. If only one a.djacen-:. <br />let is occu:)ied by a s'truc ":"\.l:-e.. the frc:-.'t yard 5e~tac~ shall be <br />the a"\f"~~~g€. of t~~ :,"eq:;::-e.:: :5e-:'::<7.~~:" 0: t.~3~ aj:acer:~. 5-:::-t:c~:..:re... <br /> <br />f:. . f"! '"') ~~ <br /> <br />~:~~ v~_~ ~~~~,-l- <br />-- <br /> <br />.. ~ ,"'\ ~ <br />;....... I <br /> <br />fe~~ 3~-:j ._~ri~~ a <br /> <br />Si~e Y3~j s~ttac~ shall be a ~:~:~~~ of ~~n <br /> <br />si~e ~#~rj 3~~~~~S a Residen~~3~ Dist~ic~r t~e sett~:k sha~: ~o~ <br />b~ ~ze~ f=~ ;ar~i~q or lC3~~~q. ~here siic Y3~d f3~es a s~~ee~ <br />(c~r:-:.e~ lot) I t::e sije ya:-..:.: St?:-:-~::::.: sr:.~l: be t::i~ty ('::0) feet.. <br />~here su~~ a cc '~e7 lct sij~ va~~ ~a~cs a Re5idc~ti~1 ~is~rict <br /> <br />ac:-::-ss <br /> <br />t:---.e <br /> <br />sc-'rce:::.:".:..-; S~.J.:: <br /> <br />~:>2C: ~ ied <br /> <br />tc <br /> <br />st:-,' <br /> <br />_; :":~.-: ::: 2~ <br /> <br />.~s <br /> <br />"'- <br />-~, <br /> <br />See:':.:-:: <br /> <br />.... ........-. <br />::-.. _....'. <br /> <br />!:: ~,~ <br />~- .. ~.-~ -. .. <br /> <br />B-~~~ ..... .-;,~_~t. Se~_:: ~:.-~; S ,-~:-..'" P-~--.J_~:'~ <br /> <br />Rear ya~d se:t3~~ 5~3:: be ~~ ~~~l~U~ cf ..~ ZEet. ~he~c th~ ~ea= <br /> <br />"\-";!r.-::i .3~-0:;-~S ,1 rf's:.....~e~-:::..3: jis~:-::"-:. :1 sc~...~~r-: ......~: <br /> <br />I~ ~ :-~-c;t. ..: :?~.~ <br /> <br />, <br />\. <br /> <br />t~3~ ~ f~~~ J~d ~~t arC3:C~ th~~ ~ f~~~ sh~:: b~ ~_~5t311cd and <br /> <br />~..1::-::-',~:;;;0,i ::y :-,::e .::.......:;c-t" c: ~he :::"':'S:~~.['3S ;3.:-c~: tc ct:cct.~'"'...elf <br />in~i~i~ ~ve ~0~.~~ v:s:c~ tct~~~1~1 ~cs:.i~~~:-]l ~~j t~~l~CSS a=e~s. <br /> <br />" <br />~": <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />i ;-, <br /> <br />-, <br />. <br />\.... <br />