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<br /> <br />] o. <br /> <br />Preser.t C0~preher.sive Plan Desigr.ation: <br />Proposed Plan Designation: <br /> <br />:i:['dustrial <br />Ir.dust.rial <br /> <br />II. What plan 0r change makes thIS request n~cessary? <br /> <br />The prop0sed grading and landscapi~g of the subject <br />property modifies the site to pe:mit the construct~on <br />of two (2) additional l~adjng bays within the existing <br />building. At the time af constructiol;. the b;IildiO'g <br />was le~sed to a single tenant which shared the loading <br />bc:;.s ,,~ith its subtenants. The buildir:g is now leased <br />te separate tenants who are una~le to share the <br />loading DC\YS 0 aDo.. f'lll use of the bui 10iog. i'wo <br />(2) additional ]Qading b3YS a:e required. The grading <br />pl~n a?proved by the City at the time ~he property was <br />C:::''''elop~d includes an el~vate(l ~ra;je at the <br />southwest~e~ ly C0rner of the bu lcJing. The <br />const~uction of the two (2} l~ading bays requires the <br />exposure of this corner and removal of a portion uf <br />th~ adjacent hill to p:ovide access to the proposed <br />loading bays. <br /> <br /> <br />12. What is the expected effect of the proposed change? <br /> <br />The expected effect 0f the proposed changes is the <br />facilitation of truck maneuvering and access to the <br />proposed bays. Regra~i~g will have no effect on the <br />direction of drainage or its rate, nor is ther~ a <br />change in ele~ation of toe hill as the area of the <br />hill to be cut back will tc removerl from the site. <br />The two (;) tr~es removed i~ this area wjll be <br />replaced and the area rel~r.dscGped. These changes <br />have no effect on llealth, 3afety or neighboring <br />property values. <br /> <br />NOTE: Faragraphs 13 through 18 'Jf t~e Application tonTl are not <br />applicable to this variance app]ication. <br /> <br />19. For Varionce Only: <br /> <br />A. V3riance is requested frJm the f~] 'owing section of <br />thE:" City Code: <br /> <br />An amepdment to lhe exi~ting variance of maximum la~d <br />coverage under SectIon ]0.090 is being req~tsted. <br />While the existing lend cQverage is not b~ing <br />mod1fied. t.he City required. i:'t the time ::he inlti;\l <br />varian~~ W9~ granted. that the project be constructed <br />consistent with the site plan and the landscape plan. <br />