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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
11/20/2014 3:26:25 PM
Creation date
11/20/2014 3:01:43 PM
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Public Works Commission
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350 There are still occasional water main breaks experienced during cold weather <br />351 months. <br />352 <br />353 From the sanitary sewer side, Mr. Schwartz advised that the City of Roseville, for <br />354 the period of May/June of 2014, received another surcharge penalty letter from <br />355 the Metropolitan Council, placing the City back on the list of cities needing to <br />356 reduce its inflow and infiltration into the system. Mr. Schwartz advised that the <br />357 City is currently required to invest a minimum of $170,000 annually to reduce <br />358 inflow and infiltration due to the surcharge program. With current lining of <br />359 sanitary sewer lines, sealing manholes, and other steps taken to -date, Mr. <br />360 Schwartz advised that the remaining and more difficult task was to investigate, <br />361 understand, and identify private sanitary sewer service laterals where suspected <br />362 sump pumps and/or rain leaders from roofs are connected to the sanitary sewer <br />363 system rather than the storm seweetreier <br />364 <br />365 6. Solar Discussion Continued <br />366 Mr. Schwartz introduced Mr. Davfrom Newport Partners, LLC to <br />367 review solar panel financial opportunities and imtions for potential PV solar <br />368 installations on the city campus. Mr. Schwaq. d ed that the City of Roseville <br />369 had partnered with this firm several years ago for a solar system installation on <br />370 the City Hall/maintenance buildings, but funding had been unsuccessful at that <br />371 time. <br />372 <br />373 Mr. Streier proceeded with his presentation, a copy of which is attached hereto <br />374 and made apart hereof. <br />375 <br />376 Mr. Streier's presentation included potential solar installations; applications <br />377 eviously submitted under the Made in Minnesota program for Xcel Energy <br />378 awards; the new incentive program administered by the State Department of <br />379 Commerce with legislation enacted in 2013, with 2014 the first funding year for <br />380 the program, running for a total of ten years for a production -based incentive, <br />381 with the more KWh's generated, the more incentives paid out based not only on <br />382 the size of the system but actual output for well -sited and well -constructed <br />383 syste <br />384 <br />385 Mr. SVbase <br />local representation and the background of Newport <br />386 Partnrnia, also owners of Silicon Energy, with solar PV <br />387 manuin the State of Washington and also in Mountain Iron, <br />388 MN. <br />390 <br />Specific to the potential partnership of Newport Partners and the City of <br />391 <br />Roseville, Mr. Streier reviewed the ten year lease program and municipal solar <br />392 <br />financing program details, designed to leverage federal solar tax incentives not <br />393 <br />otherwise available to municipalities, with a down payment of approximately 5% <br />394 <br />of the project cost and the City making annual power payments to Newport <br />395 <br />Partners for electricity produced by the solar system at a discounted rate, creating <br />Page 9 of 17 <br />
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