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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE <br /> <br />TO wllOM IT "'.AY CONCERN: <br /> <br />Nctice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the city <br />of Rosevill~ will meet at Roseville City Hall, 2660 civic Center <br />Drive, on Wednesday, November 1, 1989 at 7:30 p.m., for the <br />purpose of considering the fo1,lo'L'ing request: <br /> <br />Saturn of St. Paul request for re~oning from B-4 to B-3, special <br />use permit for an auto de3.lership, yarking setback varianc~ and <br />free.ay pylon sign height varianc~ at 214<.' County Road C. A <br />developer wishes to remov~ the existing buildings on th~ site and <br />construct a new 20,320 sq. foot Saturn Auto Dealership on tlie <br />sit'2 at Le,ng Lake Road and County Road C. The developer is <br />requesting variances to reduce the setback of the parking lot <br />froI!! County Road C from 15 feet to 8 feet and to have a pylon <br />sign that is 60 feet high instead of the required 45 feet. <br /> <br />The City council, of the Ci1:y of Roseville, will meet on Monday, <br />Nove1Dber 27, :"983 ::\t City Hall at 7: 30 p.l!:., to cO.lsider t.~is <br />request. <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br /> <br />All that part of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) of Section eight <br />(8), TOb-nship 1'1o<enty-Nine (23), Ran~e twenty three (23) lying <br />west. of the west line of the East .:me-fourth (Elj4) of said <br />Northeast Quarter (NEij4) of s~ction eight (3), a~d lying norL~ <br />of the northerly 1 ine of right of way heretofore c~nveyed to <br />Minneapolis and st. Louis Railway Co. (new occ1Ji?ied by Northern <br />Pacific Railway Co.) and lying east of a line runninq parallel to <br />and distant thirty three (33) feet east of a northerly projection <br />of the line hereinafter referred to as Line Ai said Line A being <br />determined as follows: commencing at a p~int on the north line <br />of said Section eight {S) distant nine hundred thirty fOlL (934) <br />feet east of the Northwest corner of the Northeast l "Uarter <br />{NEl/4} of said section thence south parallp.l with the nor.'h and <br />30uth quarte~ .r.ection line of saicJ section, five hundred eight <br />(50S) feet to ':he northerly line of the right of way of the <br />~;~'i.~t~&~~-r. ;-a~i~i-= ~~il=-~~=; ~~:;:::::~ ~::~~~~::!~'t ~l,:,~~ th~ !"11~nt ~f <br />..ay of said railroad, t....0 hundred sixty seven a:-:a 3jlC (267.3) <br />feet to the point of beginning of Line Ai thence along said <br />Line A to the south line of the No:-theast qu~rter (N!::l/';) of said <br />Section eight (8) and ~o a point which is seven hundred ninety <br />eight and 5/10 (798.5) feet w~st of the southwest corner of the <br />East one fcurth {Ell" j of the Northeast quarter (NEI/..) of said <br />S.act:ion eight (8). Subject to public rights in county Road "c", <br /> <br /> <br />s~Jkkor <br /> <br />City Manag~r <br />