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<br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />project drive~ay during <br />The i~tersection is <br /> <br />S~ffie signal cycles in <br /> <br />the p.m. peak hour, <br />dri.vers makir.g a <br /> <br />desig:1ed <br /> <br />sech that <br /> <br />northbound right t:JrT- are !lot governed by the traffic signal. <br />Rather, a raised island separates th.e through !i1cverr:ent:: from the <br />right turn movements, a~d right ~urns mest yield at County Road <br />C. The potentially large \'olu.-ne of northbound right turn <br />movements at County Road C could create an inconvenienc9 :for <br />drivers exiting the Saturn Automobile Deal&rship, as they would <br />r.eed to wait on the ~ite \mtil the queue cle3rs the iriveway, or <br />wait for another Jriver to allow them iato th.e fl~w of traffic. <br />Fortunately, the uutbound vol~~€ at this driveway is ezpected tQ <br />be only 25-30 car:::; during the p.:n. peat~ hour, or less than one <br />car eveY"'.1 two minutes. The inbound p. m. peak: hour volume .1.5 <br />expected to be 20-25 vehicles. Of ~hese. approxima-te:iy 10-15 <br />will arrive from the south and will t~rn right intc the site, 3nd <br />another 10-15 vehicles will arrive f~om the ~orth and turn left <br /> <br />ir:to the site. <br /> <br />Those drivers who wish to tu~ left into the site <br /> <br />may experi.ence a slight delay dt.<e to th~ queue of northbound <br />vel1i:::~es turning right at C01.m,ty Road C. Generally, other <br />d=ivers are courtaous enough to allow a left turning vehicle to <br />turn :in front of them. If not, ::,nbocnd vehicles may experience a <br />delay as they wait for the northbound drivers to clear the <br />driveway. This will cause only minor delays to southbound <br />traf~.ic on Long Lake Road since thEre are t...o southbound lanes. <br />Also, the southbound volume is very low during tt,e p.m. peak <br />ho\.r -- less than 200 vehicl~.s. <br /> <br />I."ELlVERY "'~ucrs <br />Several types ~f trucks are anticipated on the site. Automobiles <br />..ill be deli'Jered by 65 foot se;r.i.-trucks. The VOlume of these <br />trucks is dependent upon the volume of sal~s, and is sxpect~d to <br />fluctuate from month to i:K):-."th. Th,=s~ t:;:-ucks can. gai:1 access to <br />the stte at the Long Lake Road access as well as the westerly <br />accass ~o County Road C. Both driveways have been c€signed with <br />ad~quate width and 30 foct C"urb ,a,: in 0rd~r te, accGlIlJ\lodate a <br />semi-trucK, Once cn the site. a semi-tr~ck can circulate around <br /> <br />