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<br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br />State e:>.~~:;.. ~;.~.::.:. ~ <br />lo"hict-, does not <br /> <br />.i.r'\~~ed ~ Pe dooe en or ...i~'1 the prcperty <br />confor~ ~ith the city C~de: <br /> <br />20. ~li;::ants reqt;~irI;; a rezoni.."'B, special use per.nit, R."D, vari?.rce, <br />division of lot, or platt~ of property axe e..~ to c:cxn.-:::t a <br />neigt'~rl;:xd meetir~ at leQt fifteen (15) da}'5 before t..':e s.::.11Edule:1 <br />Pla."\ning Camtissicn PubE~ Hearirg, ~::d shall serrl notices to all of the <br />affec::ted r-rope....t-; c_~-s_ Mfec""..ed ~ a..>-e \ot-.ose lw..ed on the <br />reguind Abstrc~..or's Certificate. '!he ':D5etirg s:.w.l be a ilie or the <br />awlicant i;!J revia; arD. e..'q)lain the p~ devilicp;w?nt to the cr....'ierS. <br /> <br />'Ihis policy awli~ OI"l1y ",'he;: residentidl ~~, R-l ti'..I"OU\]h R-S, is <br />lisUrl en t.~ Atstractor's Ce..-tificat~. '1his ?=tHcy does not. aw1y to <br />pl-qJe..oty p~ ferr de..rel~'1t ..t-.ich is zOOErl R-l and ...-ill be or <br />cxmtinue to be \L.c:;.ed fo. sirq).e: fa.":Iily hoos1..."B- <br /> <br />Please i-rli.::ate ~ date t.'1at }'"OO have met. or ...ill be ~~ .'ith t:b! <br />affected prope...rty o.-ne..--s: <br /> <br />~l. EIcc:ePt as T\Qt~. the fcJ lCJo1i."Q informtion 1I11St 1:e sul:m.itted for al], <br />~cat'.ions- <br /> <br />A. ~lication and Fee <br /> <br />B. J.bst..--actor's certificatE: listing t.~ NAMES AND ADOOESSZS ON TJJ:!nR <br />of t.~ OW"i"el'S of the lam wit.~ 350 feet :Jf t.~ l:n1n:)aries of the <br />p~' irI qL~tion spec-.ial use pen;it, rezc.nin:f, ~ <>rI1 <br />CCIi!~re.~ive plan ~t awlications is required. 253 feet <br />for varia.'CIe, lot divisi~. prelilainaxy/fir.:ti plat, house <br />relocation, ani va~tion of right~f-\aY awliC<',tions is requin!Q. <br /> <br />c. Proposed pla.T1S (2 copies) i.-.c1uiiIq site plan, la.~ plan, <br />grading a.-p drair.age pla."1, a.-rrl. exterior tuildi.:""!g elevation d..~"i1-qs <br />showL"'q buildirq 1Mterials is req.lir.:rl (1 CCF.i !:;:: sl.\!)rE'~i."1e <br />~......ic.j . <br /> <br />D. Redut.'"ti~ of ... readable scale of th~ proposed plan (2-5 cqries). <br />(1 a::py crJ.~ for sl--~r~line <br /> <br />E:. NC'..rrath"e - ,see att~o"ro ronter.t requi~:ts) . <br /> <br />F. txx:'...t::e."'\ts as r*red by t.'i,= Cit'j Plan:1E!r. <br />