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<br />Roseyille Properties, Case No. 20!~6 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />i.. :)E\'L.t_OP!-j~_: ~T ':--,,___..i;.-',i.~,\.:-) ',' <br /> <br />------------- ------- <br /> <br />SitE> ':\';-c;::: <br /> <br />.:~: .;}~7 5.:.;. F:. <br /> <br />2.::-. <br /> <br />Budd! rIg r-\jE:d: <br />!'Jurn::'e~ of iJc.~~I;)'; Spa'~~s: <br /> <br />"7 8, ~~ - '- :::~. <br />.l7S <br /> <br />" <br />L. <br /> <br />3.. DLVElOP;.i[;'~T Ar,J/~L )'5~::) <br /> <br />---~- <br /> <br />Signa9..e <br /> <br />The R-~ District ;5 I.;::\t 5~eCI~lCal': ~.~<eJ in the s;gn{jge [1;-jl:-t3f1Cee ' Jt <br />is cu!:::rued tu L:t"': the sai1~~ as ot.her G Zones a:!ct/or :nduslridl, e~~<-, of <br />\"Jhich 3J!O'.~.lS 3 IGG-square-fGot pyI;Ji1 Slgr; 25 7'?et hi;h. If I'l IS a <br />corner Jot (\...:ith tVJO st:-eet ~r'Jr-jt!:=0e.5, ~s :s lhe caSf? ~ei'e, twu such <br />p:'iton slgrl$ \:i~-''"? :::Iller.. ed~ <br /> <br />The Ordiii2nC't' st:-=:tr.'~ ~h3t jf 1.IJe prop:?i't;. is <br />and is zoned Shot:.:P! n~ ;~ente;-, three P:. toP <br />feet eact) are 21!l"h'Jcd :....:p tD a !l.aXlrnl;;"i <br />standard has ~'pe:-; 3fJpl:ed at Ha:-f"'~ar ar;c <br />s;wpping cent~r:; that drc zoneD 3--". s.Jc'1 <br />Center LJi-rentiy "rodi':r construction. <br /> <br />.itilized fur shopping cer"er <br />sigl1s of up to 235 square <br />height of 35 feEt. T~i;.; <br />!:d5 alsD been :applied I U <br />as tne G8\.'-.' j....1arK:et r lacf:' <br /> <br />\'Jhen only 3 pVftJOIJ (;f thp prOpp.fL.:~ lr, C;tiestiu,. W3S l1eveloped for <br />shopping center purpas~s, -~ IflD-::;qudre-f~Qt sign V.,{dS 311~wed, \""hich at <br />that ti'T1f: was 30 iseL iron, each of the public right!i-of-W2Y as <br />requirpd. The sign is 7' x 1!J' ~"a squ,-'re feel' af1l.~ is 25 feet high. <br />Now that the entl7e site has beer. rezo:le,j from I-I to 8-4 and <.I <br />majority of tile bUlidir.g is now COinrnilled to being de. eloped for a <br />shopping center \..!~h thoO ren'clnder t'J come later, the tot31 site can be <br />construed to be:ng de'/ei8red for ,,-I10[1;1ln9 center f)urposes. <br /> <br /> <br />The applicant proposes ..0 buiid G,'le ZOO-sQuare-foot sign 3:> feet high. <br />This is then ,he equjy,,)ent Df tWQ lO~l-sqlidre-foot pylar, signs Cadded <br />together), but confined to 3 single sign, or can t:>e conS~derE'd less than <br />In d the 5!9r13 t~at '.vCL""] nurmal;y L" allocated to a shQpping Co. '",r. <br />L...iJll! \va) tD loa~ :1t thi.; !;igna'jC rr0~i.lsd! is to ;:Uo\'J a :OO-square-I..."Jt <br />sj~~jl with the c;:Jnl..~itiorl that there bt~ P'lj~ Q:~ pyiGI) s!gn serving the <br />site. -I-his \\'Guld then cqua: thp t~Hdl 3fiJount Df signi:1S~" ~dlo\...!t>d ufider <br />the lOO-square-fCJl;~ ['1pr $i~n riJle- or \\10,110 be les$ th&" 1/5 of that <br />\t,jt1IL!~ \'..':)~~I:.J v'- '1..1.)~..t..-."'; ~'-'. '-" ':;~"<'r't-".':1 .~""."n'" <br /> <br />With respe~" <br /> <br />bet;,n C'aus.;~i <br /> <br />U_' the sctt)3ck" the ft\~:LJct::)1l <br />b'. tht' dcdiC'a:.ion cJf 3n <br /> <br />::1 the .'0 <br />;]dcitinr,3: <br /> <br />ft.:.t"~t .:--eql1jred <br />-':.-1/ L fee-t. <br /> <br />naS <br /> <br />of <br /> <br />rj~Jht-Gf-\'lia). :110rlG ~.Ol!"l~Y R08d n <br />been C'OI1~;nel1tt'\lj ;n lht, pas: t.P <br />......11 \r~in the reJul":cd si;.~f~2C;' :.; tt1~" <br />d0.diCJt;on t~f ';~jc:~~;ll i'lqht-.lJf.....-dy. <br /> <br />lJnd-::.>r thesE- Cl)~-!(;:llons. I~ }1f..!S <br />j ~ !()\'.' 2LH1sld('r~jtiGn U I a \'art3nCl~. <br />;-l"$;J!t of a Lost-fr~~l' ,tiJ ih~~ L:it\':: <br /> <br />4. C:GN('UJSHJN <br /> <br />-~~_._---- <br /> <br />.\ ~)Q0~t!V!? :~ct 1(-,'1 111) th:~ P~~~!h~~"-~; :lS ~)rE'ssntC'.j ;,j3~ l't' CLlT~S!dCi'c:~d 33 <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />!';t:t \\':t: lh~ CU!1i;ll1C,,) th;jL the;.:: t,C Uq!~ ,--H",'." pykll) Sj~Vl <br />1\", ; ';:i ,;, ~I.!f' 1.:~'\C!;:'i~:';' ~..,iulo ~'f\ t,) <br />r\j! t\.'i~J t1~ ;i)I1 :..~:;y)~,::', [~:\:'~': ;',",rl'. :~; S.~iJ.-~;.~' f:~f't .j!"q~ <br />~)11~!1~-. i:1r ;~\r I.h~Jq ~ i;~l :1~liLli-'. fcet :)i'I~ t.~ ;::t~[d!:, u$t"d t D <br /> <br />s~l'r~~ilted.. <br /> <br />i)re)~I}p.j t:' <br />fl."C't hhjh. <br />