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<br />CITY OF ROSEVII~E <br />1:L{ ORDI?-~ANCE 1';0. ]. (jIG <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />,.. <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />-;. <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE .~:ENDING THE CITY CODE O~ THE CITY OF <br />ROSEVILLF., BY AMENDING THE ZONING ~L~P PURSUANT TO SECTION~ <br />16.0tO, 16.020, .:.5.030 pJm 16.0~O, BY RECL:\.SSIFYING CERT.~IN EEJ..L <br />PROPERTY FR0!-1 LIGHT IND:..'STRIAL (I-i) TO RETAIL OFFICE SERVICE <br />DISTRICT (P-4). <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Pursu.cmt. to Sections 1(,.010, 16.020, 16.030 <br />and 16.040 of the zoning C0de of the City of Rosevillc, the <br />property owner filed an application with the City Manager in the <br />fOr::! of a written req'..lest to rezone from Light Industrial <br />District (I-I) to Retail Office Service District (!3-4) certain <br />property hereinafter described lying and being in the City of <br />Roseville, Ramsey Cou~ty, Minn~s0ta; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City Co'_n;:;il by motion refE'~ n.<d the sat\e <br />to the P:anniog commission; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Planning COmmission upon due notice held a <br />public hearing on said matter on the 3rc day of January 1990, and <br />ma~e its recommendations t~ the City Council, and <br /> <br />w-rlEREAS, the City Council after <br />pUbiic hearing on said ~atter on the 22nd day <br />its regular meeting; and <br /> <br />jue n0tic~ <br />Jf Jr1nuary, <br /> <br />held a <br />1990 at <br /> <br />NOW, T!iEREfORE, FURSUAI-JT TO SAID HEARING AND THE .:_BOVE <br />PROCEDURE: <br /> <br />The city Council wt t":e City of RosE'ville. Hini1esota, <br />does hereby ordain: <br /> <br />That the Zoning Map of the City or Roseville is hereby <br />ar.:ended by reclassifying the folloir,'ing described ;>roperty fro;:: <br />Ligr.t Industrial Distkict (1-1) to Reta~l Office service District <br />(8-4) . <br /> <br />The West 282 feE:=t ot the East 3:22 feet lyihg tJcrth ~f <br />thd South 576e91 feet nf t-ho .:::.......q~h~...~-=--": i~'.:""":-":::":"" :-: "-'"'-~ <br />North~est Quarter of Section 9, To~~ship =9, Ra~g0 :3, <br />except the South 1~4 feet th€!"ecf. <br /> <br />andl <br /> <br />The West '7 feet of the East ~o fe2t. ~f the ~~Dt-t1: 3:C <br />feet of the South 946.91 feet of t~e South~est Quarter <br />of the Northwest. Q\iartcr of Section 9, Tc\,';'1sh lp ;':9, <br />except the SOuth 144 feet thereof. <br />