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<br />-~----- - <br /> <br /> <br />This side is somewhat shielded from view b~ the under.round <br />pipeline berm that runs its length. This e~d of the property has <br />already been approved for parkin~. ir. the event that the retail <br />stores ~enerate the need. To cre~te 8 pa~kin~ are~would require <br />e relocation 0f the pipelines (~illiams and Arooce) estimated at <br />over S100,OGO, plus the cost of excavation, parking surface and <br />landscapin~ (another $25,000+). <br /> <br />The need for this additional par~ing wil} probably not be kno~n <br />for 12-18 months after th~ openin~ of the REI store. <br /> <br />We believe that the existing painted block wall is clean, <br />attractive and offers a consistent look to the structure, <br />especially in li~ht of the berm. The cost to stucco this side is <br />over $10,500. <br /> <br />Request: <br /> <br />11 Roseville Properties will complete thp ;'1de fascia <br />band on this side by March 31, 1q92. <br /> <br />2) Deferment of treatment of the wall itself until June <br />30, 1993 - until the evalu~tion of the parkin~ need can be <br />completed. <br /> <br />At that time, if the new parkin~ a~ea proceeds, a stucco finish <br />will b~ applied to this side in conjunction ~ith the parkin~ lot <br />work. <br /> <br />if it is d.t€rmin~J that parkin. is not needed. than an <br />alternative tc th~ stucco treatment IS proposed - an approved <br />landscapin( pian to the berm that enhances the view of this face <br />of the building. We believe that this could be accomplished in <br />the $2.000 ran~e. <br /> <br />" .c~"J.' <br /> <br />This section of the buiidin. (appro~imately 15C feet! is screened <br />from public view by the berm on the north. and by the win~-wall <br />that was incorporated !nto the Phase I ~ork on the west face of <br />the buildinll;. It. too. has been painted in the color scheme of <br />the buildioll; and \oo'Ould c.:mtinue to be m.'iintaio'd in that fashion. <br />The C0St to add the wider fdsci~ band and stucco this section <br />e~ceeds $36.000. RE! demands that w€ maintain th~ "clean" look <br />