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<br /> <br /> <br />Roseville City Cotincil Min~tes <br />January 22, 1990 <br /> <br />t <br />, <br />t <br />-- <br />t . <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />8. That final exterior cQlors be review~~ by City <br />staff. <br /> <br />9. A~ such time as the City dete~ines that a parking <br />problem exists, the c..;ler shall be reouired to <br />pr~vide additional parking north of the building <br />a3 shown on ~~e plans submitted December 29, 1989. <br /> <br />10. That no Certifica~e of Occupancy be issued for any <br />of the remai~ing 24,000 square ieet until the <br />remainder of exterior re~~irements are completed. <br /> <br />Roll Call, Ayes: <br />and Reg. Nays: <br /> <br />Johnson, Tho~as, CUshman, Hasc~Jca, <br />None. <br /> <br />:0:'-. <br /> <br />Johnson moved, CUshman seconded, L~at Roseville Prop- <br />erties request for sign variance at 1955 W. County <br />Road B-2 be continued to the February 26, 1990 City <br />Coun~~l meeting. Roll Call, Ayes: Johnson, Thomas, <br />CUsh"nan: Maschka, and Rog. Nays: None. <br /> <br />-1 <br />I <br />1 <br /> <br />C-4 <br /> <br />Thomas moved, Johnson sE'cvndeod, that the VFW/City of <br />Roseville request for setback variance and Special Use <br />Permit for s~te plan approval at 1149 Wocdhill Drive <br />be approved with the following conditions: <br /> <br />VFW/Cn'Y 07 <br />ROSEV:ILLB <br /> <br />1. That g~de~alks De co~structed along Woodhill <br />Drive. <br /> <br />,. That perimeter curbir.g be provided around the pro- <br />posed parking area. <br /> <br />3. That appropriate drai:age b~ prc~ided in accordance <br />with Engineering stanuards. <br /> <br />~. That the structure be built of mat~rial similar to <br />that of the main structure (including t~e trash <br />handling area). <br /> <br />:>. <br /> <br />-that. d l.d!Jo..J.s...:....i~~ ~:;;.~-& t..:. .::;-..::.::::".i~~c:: <br />fu~~her review by City staff. <br /> <br />t'e> <br /> <br />~t'M;~,-r <br />-- --- J <br /> <br />6. l'h.1t a 30 int Use AgreeDent be prE:pa:::ed bet.",een the <br />City. 3n.d t~e \'rF1*i. <br /> <br />1-\013, Call, Ayes: <br />and Rog. !.ays ~ <br /> <br />Tho~a$, Cush~~n, ~aschka, <br /> <br />J ohnso:1 i <br />None. <br /> <br />C~sh~an ~ov~d. ~aschka seccr.d~d. t~at Res~luticn 8533, RESOLUT!ON <br />~~ga~ding Ros~villc Lcca~ ~2v~lop~ent corporati0~;' 8533 <br />C~~~~nitl D~v~lcpITe~t 31cck Gr~n~~ be adcpt~d. Roll <br />~311r Ayes: ~ah~~~n, T~o~as~ C~5h~an. Maschk~, and <br />Reo. ~ays: None. <br />