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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
12/1/2014 12:31:57 PM
Creation date
12/1/2014 12:31:43 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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immediate energy savings. After ten years, Mr. Streier noted that the City could <br /> "off-ramp" for the cost of approximately one year's power payment, which was <br /> structured and vetted to comply with Xcel Energy and Internal Revenue Service <br /> regulations. Mr. Streier detailed the system purchase agreement that would <br /> include Newport Partners designing, engineering, and providing a turnkey <br /> proposal integrated to include all permitting requirements; with the City owning <br /> the system as an Xcel customer, with Newport Partners administering the system <br /> sale and installation agreement through a qualified silicon energy subcontractor. <br /> At the request of Chair Stenlund, Mr. Streier responded that Newport Partners <br /> would provide a subcontractor with special training to install their manufactured <br /> modules, which were different than some currently on the market, and would vet <br /> them through a system purchase agreement and lease agreement for the roof <br /> system itself and a power purchase agreement, with an option included for <br /> Newport Partners to turn the system over to the City at year 6 or year 10, once <br /> federal tax incentives are completed, depending on the final costs. <br /> Since, under Minnesota State Statute, Mr. Streier advised that financing terms <br /> were in compliance with municipal contracting laws, it was not necessary to seek <br /> Requests for Proposals or to award to a low bid, since his firm provided an energy <br /> savings guarantee over the twenty year period in accordance with State Statute. <br /> However, Mr. Streier advised that the City would realize a positive return on its <br /> investment within ten years. <br /> At the request of Member Seigler, Mr. Streier reviewed repayment of the <br /> investment by the City to Newport Partners with 85% of the energy production, <br /> with the City retaining a minimum of 15%; with Newport Partners paying the <br /> City rent for the solar energy system space on city property, based on Xcel <br /> Energy contract rates and lease terms, with the solar project eventually reverting <br /> to the City as owner of the system. <br /> At the request of Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Streier reviewed the fifteen year life cycle of <br /> the inverters and their required or projected maintenance; improved technology <br /> for Newport Partners modules using micro inverters installed closer to the <br /> modules with a higher upfront cost, but providing much better efficiencies. <br /> Specific to the application process itself, Mr. Streier reviewed the intent of <br /> Newport Partners to secure Made in Minnesota incentives via the lottery <br /> application process held annually from January 1 to February 28, with necessary <br /> paperwork needed between now and February 28th, and no application fee <br /> required. Mr. Streier advised that there was more competition for commercial <br /> applications, with only 1 in 3 applications approved in 2013; and therefore, he <br /> encouraged the City to apply for as many as they could qualify for in 2015, since <br /> he anticipated even more competition in 2015. <br /> Page 10 of 17 <br />
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