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<br /> <br />PLANN!~G CCMMIZ~10N MINt~ES <br /> <br />LICEJISE APPLICATION BY ADEL ALWAN <br />2180 N. DALE STREET <br /> <br />Pre~n.J1tat1.o:. <br /> <br />Rick 30pke ir.~roauced the iteD pointing OU~ that the council has <br />asked the Planninq Comaission to conduct a ,ublic bearing to.) <br />provid& citi2en input concerning ~!r. _\del Alwan's request for <br />license for aD amusement root.t/game reo1ll with amusement d:avices <br />and pool tables. <br /> <br />Howard Dahlgren SUJIIMxized the location of the sitQ, the <br />surrounding land uses6 and 'the request. <br /> <br />AdQl Alwan swamarized the proposed use, pointing out that it is <br />not a pool hall. Mr. Alvan stated that it '-Iou14 have video <br />rer.tals6 video qaaes, takeout food and. snacks. He statP.d that at <br />most there -rould be two pool tables. <br /> <br />Bob Bancroft, a resident at the Villa Park develop;aent on COunty <br />R:::tad B6 ask d how 1IaJlY people w(.tuld be served at a time. What the <br />aqe qroup 0:. the users would be, if food would be served, and bow <br />JDuch p:arkinc;. would be provided. A.lwa.n responded that this we' a <br />new business and be is not su:t-e b.:>W uany custoaers would be <br />served_ AITan pointed out that he would anticipate that <br />custoJDEtrs "ou _d coae froJl walkinq distance ana that it would <br />apt;)eal to teenagers. Mr. Alvan pointtid out: that Le would be on <br />th~ site and there uvuld be no smokinq on the: site and no <br />loitering. Alvan pointed out that he would serve gyro sandwicbes <br />and soft drinks ()~1 the site~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />-., <br />.... <br /> <br />Ted Drosen, the o\r"ner of the buildiJ'V.) pointed. out that there is <br />problems with kids in th~ ~rea playinq a~ his service staticn on <br />the corner. Drcsen adt"ed tnat what the area needs is a qooc! <br />clean operation like this to provide an alternative place for <br />kids to play. Brosen estim.ated tnat the kids in ::he area .are <br />betwe~n ~~e ages of 8-15. <br /> <br />Ben-y pointed out that there is no piay al"6u. at the adj'icent <br />apartment ~rop9rtie3. <br /> <br />Neil S.:.::;t.t. the owner of the apartment..- north of the Carlisle <br />Apartm'!l'ts on Dale strf'et., st.ated th41.t !1e II:;1:ronqly opposes the <br />ga~ room and video arc~de. $r-ott stated that vjdeo rental ana <br />carryout food would be '>!\. !cott expressed his co.ncern about. <br />the sit~ b~coainq a hang out ana that would be a bad influence un <br />the fa:llily ?riented image ~e i::; trying to t-rinq about at his <br />apartments. Scott stated his concern t~at there :lOuld be a <br />parking .;r.d lit~er probieRl in the neighborhQod. Scott stated <br />that he is \:.ryir.~ to cre.);te a qJ.iet fa.~ily neighborhood <br />atmo5phere at th~ apartMe~t which would bQ negatively impacted by <br />