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<br /> <br />City 0.' RoeeviUe, Cemeteries <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />Rea:otJy the~ has been some expansion of cemetery lot capaCIty in dw <br />Rosela"-'O Cemetery property. This has resulted in some <br />regardi~ the City's abHity to control such expansion and accompMFing <br />~te de.ek~t work. <br /> <br />'~ <br /> <br />AUacl..ed is a series of COn'iI2lpondence aaembled rlw'onOIOgie8It, <br />beginning with a memo to Craig Waldron dated Auguat ... 19.'. ,.,. <br />attached are t.o ordinences drafted by the City Attorney p.-ewiding far <br />the estabI.thn:ent of the cemeteries as special .... in the R-l ZoM .... <br />teqdiring en inwentwy of t!M! existing cemetery botPIafie8 ... <br />eppIication of 8 Speci" Use Pwmit fOf' cemetery use. <br /> <br />The Council has been eu.w.i4ering the8e options and baS ...... red 1M <br />....u_ to th8 Planning Cernrnissian for . public: pri8r to ... <br />adoption of ."'Mt~ to the Zoning Ordinllft('.'e Cas required bJ' <br />Mir1II88Ota Law). <br /> <br />You will nota in the IeUeF dated J8nuary 31, 1990 from tM T...... f!III <br />Awon Cemet.-y, ht they dD not object to the ~ in .', - '.. ". <br />Qrdinsnce aa Ieng 88 the buundBries refer to the existing .. J --'t1 .... ">:,tt <br />... to that of the site already clewloped for 4Jl'8W ai&eL .'.. '~:'~ <br /> <br />~ -~_ .~ .",~'-I;:: <br /> <br />,'. <br /> <br />c.netery ownws have ueditioneUy ...,....... local caatroI ef ...,. <br />...a.pment right&. Mll8t haw takeR t:.e ".. tIM .... _L~I&':'.:' "-' <br />a 4JI1IV8 8it8, the ..ire pl', can&tituteS . ceme..,. OItvi~;',~,~ ,-,.,,<;;.:'."- <br />......... 8S to ....ther or ftIIt an emtiftg cemetwy (aM ... ..... .~-'-};.::;:~f <br />. ~"'.' __ _. -I. ,~_ ..:\. <br />it) is a ......17 ~ ,. ~ uee is . .... fIU8_1-L .",-,.r'_:;:~::\~." <br />wauId tr4 int....... to riM out whet kind of p&'Mit. if .." ... .....,:-~', T~ <br />Ity the TOMt6I~ or the Caunt1 back in the d8ya when ..... CGrIl1f~~ . .,"" <br />were iNtiall, e&t8bI..... - , <br /> <br />T..." tM qu&8liuR of estaIaIi8hing new ~ies is mute in ~..~ <br />1M ..-_ ft8W' is .. .f the pOllibititJ few _ ....M .. .:. .... <br />n. ........ .iD apply Iaa-ge1J to the R-'awn ~,. .... <br />contrail c:ORIIid8t8bte fICI'e&g8 nar. Jet de'ftlope4. Inc..... in ... <br />...-.ertie8 is . ....amp area of grouM to the ___ of Viet..-. AWIMI - <br />indicated on thE' attached 81tetch. AJ_ attached are ~ *aw44& <br />illultrating the three cemeteries. On these drawi~ yau wiD note u.t <br />portkn of the ROI8lawn Cemetery that i3 wveloped (shOwn in gray). <br /> <br />It would ~ar that. the adoption of the propoI84 a.-nendment$ te tIte <br />Ordinence .ill be reuonabIe end helpful toward . proce88 of .--.tieI <br />control.. The key will be in t.he 6tterminetian of the boYnd8riea - <br />noted in Section 11).060 in the ~ndeCJ lJrd'nence ~~ <br />prepered by the City Attorney. Until U.t action is t8ken. ttw u. <br />imp8Ct on the future expansion of cemeteries in R08IviJa. is ROt <br />determined. <br /> <br />- <br />