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<br />OoIDinium ~ Case No. 2070 <br /> <br />Page 2. <br /> <br />Landsc!1r.i~ <br /> <br />The p~d landscape plans inciude ::he same materiab. and 8tZl!S that <br />wue ~ "oyed with the previous proposal. The om)' differenc=e noted in <br />the review ~f t.he landscape plan is that there seems to be somewhat <br />fewer plant materials located along the northern property edge. The <br />plans that are currently proposed desigBte 8 greater amount of exisf'Jng <br />trees to rer18in f.han were pr'e\'iously shown the Brutger Companielf <br />propo88L T1Us is an important ~ to be screeneo and buffered and it <br />would be ~lpfuJ if tne applicants could clarify the f18ture of the <br />~ a1oN; thi. edge. <br /> <br />L~jlWJ <br /> <br />No i nforrr.ati9n has been aubmitted regarding site lighting. This <br />inf....,-.tion shou d be ~Ued for re..-iew. <br /> <br />J <br />! <br />,~ <br />.~ <br /> <br /> <br />Screeni':'Q <br /> <br />1vz noted abow, the plarw to landlCfiIiIe and 8Cfdfl the northBm prop&rtJ <br />Ii.-.e should be re~iewed by the dt1plic&nt at the meeting. <br /> <br />TJ'Wh ~i~ <br /> <br />The ~~".lplicanl Indicates that tr88h wm be stored inside the Wiking .... <br />~ .tbIe fro. ~ the eutside of the buil.1ing as :')8l' <:it, ~. <br /> <br />E~neet;nq Con&4detatfOnS <br /> <br />The Engineering ae,.:.ment hae reviewed the ....._ pIan8 .... <br />indicates that sidewalk i. to be constructed along the U88t &ad ....... <br />sides of the lot.. They '-aYe eJ80 reqti88ted deta1l8d .......... .... <br />for the relocation of the eenitary seww main and the irwt~~ 01 a <br />new wat8l'fn8in 8ud storm tseW8r ~s.. <br /> <br />-5 <br />" <br />;~ <br />.; <br /> <br />,4 <br /> <br />~ <br />, ~ <br /> <br />j <br /> <br />~ <br />;..~. <br />':1 <br />. . J <br />:}it' <br />: ; <br /> <br />, , <br />, ~ <br />" <br /> <br />Before C.. project can be constructed, peI'f\1its muat be abtaiMd ...... <br />the Minnesota Department of Transportation eqd thv Rice CnIttk <br />Water'lhed Di8tr~t. Any work to _ done within the MinM80t8 Aveaw <br />right~of-W8)' must meet the City of R.."iUe'a Btandard8 ar.d 8ftJ ~ <br />that 6. done witn.n Riett Street's tiqht-of-W8)' muat meet MnDO'r8 <br />standards. The E:ngireeting Department notes t"t ttaffie heading QIJII'tb <br />onto Rice Street will he", to gain ~cea& via Mirwl880ta Avenue si.... <br />MnDOT will not give a .-moZt :c tt."M north fTom the Rice Street <br />driveway. <br /> <br />In addition to IJtiiity plana, an erOSion r-ontrol pl8f'\ It needed as pert of <br />the building per-mi:. ~roy.l. Care sID,lid be taIam at. ~ tiIM <br />to prated from erosion.. Thete pian:s &hauld deajgnate the loc8tiClfls far <br />silt fencing ~~ haybaCes where needed.. The 8IppUcent 8houId aJIo <br />~ ,!bmit plena that o\'flrlay t~ I1&"CJpNed ).~"" pIan8 over tie propOlid <br />utility pl8ns to ensure t"-t 00t}e of the prOJlGftd tr888 .... ___ <br />atop eny vtilit)'. Fi"UYI an engireerlng finn win need to, lie <br />:-etai.... by the applicants to in&pect aU of the utiUt, ...i.. i~'" <br />on the site. As-b ilt drewings Qf .U of these meins wiU heft to .. <br />