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<br />-.-~ <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />l'IL'IBIBG REPORT <br /> <br />DATF: <br /> <br />6 June 1984 <br /> <br />CASE RUHBER: <br /> <br />1498-84 <br /> <br />APPLl.CART : <br /> <br />Sborewood Corpr.ration <br /> <br />LOCATION : <br /> <br />Northwest Corner of Trunk liighway 36 and Rice <br />Street <br /> <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br /> <br />Amendaent to C~prenensi"'e Plau <br /> <br />PIAmHBG COBSIDERAnOllS: <br /> <br />1. Attac.hed is a copy of a letter fr08 GQrdie Bowe, realtor, who has bee. <br />working dili8C!ntly these past Bmths to put a developaeat proposal <br />together with respect to the ~ properties referred to iu his letters as <br />Parcel A and Parcel B. Par:e 1 B is CJWDed by the Carlson Coapeaiea -.he <br />purcbased the Couutry kitcheu restauraat systE!ll (a Couatry Ki1:dMI& <br />lestaurant exists jgst ea8t of this property). Parcel B is now zoaed ~. <br />a towahouse district alloving develcpaent at 4.000 square feet per <br />Tbe laud to lbe SOU"~ i8 a 100 foot wide 10tUJ narrow urip ogQGtI by \:he <br />Richter hail,. heause of the shape of Parcel A. it would be difficalt <br />to develop it -i'Qdependeut1y of Parcel B. Therefore, t:be staff has 'eaa <br />8uggestiDg to various persODS inquirina about property in this area tbat <br />~t is iaport8Dt that the two properties be tied togetheT 80 as to devel~p <br />the& each lItOt'e t=fficieDtly. Parcel A is zoned R-l but is shcnm oa the <br />CompreaeoRive PlaD as medi\~ densit, for most of it, witb a bosiaess use <br />proposed at the frontage on Rice Street. <br /> <br />. 2. ~. Rowe bas successfully put tbe two properties togetber, aDd iaitiaU,. <br />aaai.:oed tbe possibility of developing apartment units 011 the site in <br />accordance witb the deasi.:y that would be allowed U!tder tbe 1t-6 aoabta. <br />R-6 is a liiedi_ dearit, zone to wbicb Parcel A could have been zoaed baaed <br />ou tbe desicnatiOD of medium density for this property in tbe <br />cGBprebeD$ive plan. <br /> <br />3. A total of .:.) units could be built on the site under the 1.-6 density plus <br />a small office bui1dina on the fronteae on Rice Street a8 propo.ed bJ Rr. <br />Howe in his initial develop.ent concepts. Hr. Hove informed us ~ecently. <br />bowever, that he cannot econoeical1y develctt the land with 43 uaits aDd <br />tbat be would either have to arop the proje~t or atteMpt to get approval <br />froa the Citv for tbe deveJo~nt of 60 units on th~ ~it~. <br /> <br />4. Accordinaly, he h~s had hi~ architect prepare a development rlan ~bowiD& <br />how he ~ro{lOses to place 60 uni ts no the _site in a stai,gered buildiaa " <br />the northerly portic-n of the sii.:e with parting unde.r the bui ldiq Bod. <br />surface parking located contiguous to Trunk Highway 36. This stro'cture <br />would be two stories in heiGht $0 as to ",inimize the reatriccioD of the <br />view frOll the single faail; homes up on Minn<esota Stt"e,'!t. Mr. Bow baa <br />also visited with these hOltecvnr ~9 to review his proposal and iQhraed <br />thea of his intent. <br /> <br />. " " , , ' ", . . ' ' , ' ,. <br />.. ~... " I <br />