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<br />... <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR CC>l.NCll ACTlC~ <br />=---1 ~ ~ <br /> <br />OAfE' ~i!~'" <br /> <br />()R:G:taA~j..,c:; OEPi ;DlV <br /> <br />OEPT HEAC ~. <br /> <br />A:JEIIOA SECTICift' <br />HearinlS <br /> <br />lIE- NO-: <br /> <br />~-3 <br /> <br /> <br />AdJlininration <br /> <br />iTE" DESCRt"n~' <br />Shorewcod Corporaticn request for r~:oniDg <br />and spec.ial ~;se Femt at 2231 Rice. <br /> <br />IIGR ~Ewm/mrorft_. <br />\.... , <br />.~ <br /> <br />/' <br /> <br />1be i'la:lni:lt; u-ission. at its .\ug~:' 1st ~eti.1g. unanillCusly reCO&EDded <br />8pproval of Sho:reMOod Coz:'oration' s I'eGue5~ for rezoning and Special use <br />penit: to allow a ~~ilding ,"'ith 61 uni~s at 2231 lice, with the foUOW1.~1 <br />r:onJi ~ ioo.s : <br /> <br />1) that t..l}e platting of the tht-ee new parcels be cCB!pleted. <br /> <br />2) That t1~ relocat.ion of tl-_e sanitary sever and the c:onstructioo of the <br />water be done to Cit;' standards. <br /> <br />3) That aoditiOD.J.l easeMnts fot' Rev pubHc uti1ities ~ recorded. aad <br />~Mt the Old "3S<<oents I)e '\-acatcd. <br /> <br />4} That proposed landscap~_ng. ..n.-es in particular~ be kept ~ff utiluy . <br />f'aseJW:nts. <br /> <br />S) That joint. drivett.'ay and :..c~ss ea~ED.."'nts between all parcels be <br />recorded. <br /> <br />6) 'That approY1l1 frcn the state f.,r filling activity on State right-of-way <br />be secund. <br /> <br />./) That the deve lopeI' worK to rcduc~ t~ dri RWa}' sTades as 8IJCh as possible. <br /> <br />8) - ~at arlditiOl1al rigbt-oi-",..,. to 49.5 feet he dedicated slont Rice S~reet... <br /> <br />9) .lbat ~ ~torL~ed pathway be constructed all)Qjt Rice Su'eet. bo.n. not <br />across tbe Country Kitchzn parcel. <br /> <br />un That drainage plans be 5ubject tC Snff re,.ie... <br /> <br />11) That th~ acce3S ease8Cl!t le.adin~ .est of tAf; parcel to. Ma~ion Street be <br />\."a,;:a':ed. <br /> <br />l~) That !~e proj~,-=t t.e den'10ped according tl) plans dated ":/2/&4. <br /> <br />'.beN was a .ismde~t~1ding bet\oieen the de\..eloper :and ~ity staff 1""!prding t~ <br />need ior a pi oil ior l;'': 'K.\~} ":'~i-,t.... T~.i. ,;;:".~:;)P~:- ~:~! !~;!i':1t~d ~ ~~i~ 1'n <br />create 3epar~tc lots fo. the ap3rtwcnt bui2ding aLd ~he office building. In <br />additl~~ ~ p~~::-~ ^~ ,~~ property i~ to be Ji~ided off and retained <br />by the Countr:-. t.itchf"n o~'ne1"s. Th~ crea....;....,. :;! ~ or 1I!01' new pa!'ce-1s requiTOs <br />a preli.inary piat. <br /> <br />Tht ~veloveT has inJica:eJ he .ill proceed with the piatring process. but <br />would !ilia the Ccunci: tC' uke ..ction on the re:('ftin~ and spe.:ial us~ penait <br />at ~his tille. <br /> <br />Att3chcJ is th~ Pl;mn('r.~ repor~. C;..tFcil i'Te\'iot'slr recei.-ed the draiaage. <br />~tilitie~ and ~itc rl~ns. <br /> <br /> <br />;: <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />." <br />