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<br /> <br />, <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />!l:mning Commission ~Ii"utes <br /> <br />-CJ- <br /> <br />~. Land-~~ping ~ast he kept off utility easem~nts. <br /> <br />.;>. Joint :lrive.....ay and access easements are needed. <br /> <br />< <br /> <br />0. ,-\ppli~-:ant need~ State appro\'al for filling a::ti,'ity on State Right- <br />of-,"ay. <br /> <br /> <br />Suggest.. reduction in the 10\ d:-ivelo2.Y grade. <br /> <br />-i. Additional Right-of-way i$ required 01 R~ce Street. <br /> <br />;). Sidewan. is required on Rir.c Street. <br /> <br />,1. Drainage plans should be subject to staff review. <br /> <br />, I <br />. .. <br /> <br />TI1e access ease1lel1t leading west of the parcel tu Marion Street shouLi <br />be vacated if the de\'elcpeen~ is approved. <br /> <br />] <br />J <br />~ <br />'1 <br />:1 <br />, .". J <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />'ow.rd Dahl gren indicated that because of the need for :l preU.inary l'lllt~ <br />::1e appl :c;;nt will neea to come bad;, to the Planning CoeaissioD for preli1li- <br />'1ary plat apprcval. <br /> <br />-"rd:r HONe, !'cpresenting Shorewood COTpontion. indic;'ttcd he was not aware of <br />: :1C need for a preliminary plat. <br /> <br />'~r. Dahlgren explainec:i that durir.s review by the Engineering S!3ff~ it was <br />.;i5~l)ve~d that three ne\li lots were b~ing created by ::he proposed de"oel.,.-eet. <br />:-c-quiring a preliainal)' plat. D3..iLlgren indicated b~ had explained tnis to <br />: :1e-ar-plicants architect. __ho was not conceri'ed about the requirement. <br /> <br />,~ <br />." .~ <br /> <br />:1:1hlgren indicated it is unfortunate there h3S been a JlisundeTstanding resardinl <br />~he need for the plat. <br /> <br />':r. Howe indic3U:d that if a plat .35 necJed he wvuld foUow throuSh kith the <br />;'l"Ocess r~uired. But he reque~ted the Cotmi~sion take action on the :onir.g <br />,:1<.1 special use so that he could ~et a de~et'1!\ination r'"';~arJing the <br />:~cptability of the dc~elopment in g~ner31. <br /> <br />'1 ::.-=nssion <br /> <br />,:...':~t.'11(',h.t inJi\':Jt('d IH,> Io'oui..! like $QT\.' information on stO!1!l drain3~E- and ero$ion <br />:,1nt ,01. <br /> <br />:c " '''n:r:K'n \i a t ion <br /> <br />','rry wo\'cJ and [It'Hcn('.}et s~~('r.JeJ that thC' 1'l:1nnin~ l-or.mis$ion t"{'colll:ilenJ <br />::':'I'iwal ..:-f ~!1(\r('''ooJ Cvrr"n':1t'h'nt$ Tc-qU\,'st f~r r~'nnin~ fr<:1I:; R~l ,mu R-f\ to <br />,;.,\ .m.l from R-l to B-1 .11; ~~~l Ricl'. R(..ll ,;.Ili. ,\~'e~: Johnson. Drcssl~r, <br />'lC'I..'li::-r. f;"rr~'. !'c-t-clH,'Jt't. ;m.i L\i:,l.1. \ays: non('. <br /> <br />'I..'Ol..'fll..'I.h..'t !;:O\'c,! anJ nrc~sh.r '(,~-"ih.!l".j th:1t tht' rlanr.-il1~ C''\\'lrnission T"('l'~nd <br />~':':-(".;1l .'t' ~hO-:-I..',"(h1I.i CI.'tT';;';1~:,'T1':-; r.''\ll'o't f. ~iW,i:ll ,1:"(, J'1.'mit to aHo," <br />'..''rf" than "':-1 ~init ~ ~n T:1C ~1r,:rTr;l';t hui j..iin~ _tot ':':~-:'i [\t,~..., "it:1 l~!\.:- f.:~ll..).-"in~ <br />. ~ n \: ~ or: i -.~n ~ : <br />