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<br />PLAmmIG HBPORT <br /> <br />DAn: <br /> <br />3 October 1984 <br /> <br />CASE !fJJMBER: <br /> <br />1546-84 <br /> <br />APPLICANT: <br /> <br />Shorewood Corporation, Inc. <br /> <br />LOCATIOl: <br /> <br />Nortbwe~t Corner of Trunk Highway 36 <br />and Rice Street <br /> <br />AcrrOB REQUESTED: <br /> <br />Approval of Pre liminary Plat <br />Variance to Parking Setback <br /> <br />PLAHRIBG COJa;.IDBRATI08S: <br /> <br />1. The Planning COIIIDisaior 1U!d Coun.cil, you will rec'",ll, have previously <br />approved an amendment t, the Comprehensive Plan and the rezoning of the <br />property in question to A-3A so as to allow for t'he construction of s 61 <br />unit multi-faaily dwelling, and the construction of a small office <br />b~ilding at the soutbesBt corner of tbe site. The applicants DOW propose <br />to plat the proper~y into four _ ~t!J as s~own on the reduced copy of 'the <br />prelisinary plat attached. <br /> <br />'I <br /> <br /> <br />Lot 1, east of tne Country ititchea. site, is proposed fot' ultiutate <br />etpaI18ion of ths sit.! which was approved at one time by the City but not <br />constructed. We have some concerns with respect to this lot ind.sauch as <br />it has ao frontage on a public street: and should be combi1U!d with the <br />eJtisting lot $0 as to correct thi.s deficic&cy. Lot 4 is a uattow strip of <br />land whi~ connects the property to Marion Street. It is the p~oposal of <br />the d~v~lopers to sell this property to contiguoQs land OIlmen. tou will <br />Ncall that the Fire ~'t'sball determined that this secondary access would <br />not be neceseary for the developmenl of tbis property. <br /> <br />2. Tbe ~ariaDce relates to the lot line ~icb seFarates the office bnildi~ <br />site f't01J1 the apartment site. This lot line. is indicated as au eaat-west <br />line and should, in our opinio~, I'UQ down the center of tbe proposed <br />driveway. ~bis driveway, you will notice has now been modified so 8S to <br />have a single driveway going down the hill ratber than 8 separate one <br />goi:2g to tbe garage under tbe }\uildin&. This new gradbs plan and <br />arrangement for access and parking, we fep 1 "ill work well and cODstitutes <br />a considerabl~ ~rovement over that pr~viou~iy reviewed with t~e Planning <br />Commission and Council in their earlier application. <br /> <br />J. Thp. engineer reports that additional dedication of lb.:- teet Go! <br />rigbt-of-way appears ~ot to be clearly indicated on the plat. This should <br />a~peaY ~s dedicacion by moving the lot li~e of Lot 3 westerly 16.$ feet. <br /> <br />4. The prelieinary plat appr~al should bc'conditioned on the dedication of <br />the right-of-way, perhaps the movement of the lot line down the (:enter of <br />the driveway, the filing of appropriate ea~('\O.en~s fot a joint acceS8 to <br />the driveway dong the s;)utn sid~ of the Country Kitchen siu and the <br />driv~ bet~een the apartment site and the ~coposed ct~'ce building. <br />