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<br />- ' ", ' .' '.' -, <br />. . . . <br />, . <br />~ ~ '. ~ ~ ". -' \, ~ ~ . .... .. ~ . . :. '. " ". : . . . <br /> <br /> <br />CO\mci 1 ~linutes - Pecember 10. 1984 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />0-1 <br /> <br />frank~ moved. Kehr secQnded that Resol~ti~\ 7671. cond~1ng ~he <br />~rsecution of the Bahati cOlBUl1it.y in Iran, be ado!'ted. Roll <br />Call. Ayes: Kehr, Fr-mke, Curley, Johnson and Delms.. Nays: <br />~e. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />E-l <br /> <br />Curle} !lOved, I'.ehr seconded 'that Tanurr. DeveloPftent, Inc. request <br />f"r re:wning from R-l to) SC, special use ~r1Ii t, variaJb:es and <br />v_cation of right-of-way be referred to the January 2, 1~35 <br />Planning CCBIIission ~ting. Roll C311. Ayes: Ket:r, Frante, <br />tudey, Johnson and Delos. N~ys: None. <br /> <br />Curley 1DDved, ICehr seconded that Resolution i672, declari>>g the <br />adequacy of petitions for Projects ""-84-57, SW-84-3R, 55-84-39 <br />and 1i...U-I0, and orderine, feasibility studies on 5aIte he adopted. <br />Roll Call, A:r~s: lCehr, Franke, Curley, .Jolmson, and De!IIOs. Na~: <br />None. <br /> <br />Curley ..."red. kebr seco~ tnat staff deterEinatiOl1 of .5\ <br />asscssaent of the Fairview ~constructi01l (P-84-37). and <br />indudinl 't!le retaining vall for the pond be included in tbe <br />SteT'll ..ter proj ec't (57-84-08), and 75\ of the cost would be <br />specially assessed to the developer, be a.ffinted~ Roll CaU. <br />Ayes: Iei&r. CuTley, Johnson and Demos. Nays: None. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />E-2 FTBIlke 1IO,,'ed, kebr seconded tbat Presbyterian ffoJIes request to <br />CJtter.d special use pe1"llit at 1910 County Road D until June <br />19, 1985 be approved~ Roll Call, Ayes: Kebrt Franke, Curley, <br />Jo"m30n and Deaos~ Nays: 1Qne~ <br /> <br />E-3 Kebl aoved, Franke seconded that Sborevood Cot-poration's requ~t <br />to extend special u~e pe~it at 2231 Rice Street until August <br />13. 1985 be appTOYf'd. Rol1 Call. Aye~~ Kehr, Franke, Curley. <br />Johnson, and De8os. Nays: NoDe ~ <br /> <br />E-4 Franke ~ved. K~hr seconded that lhe following appllca'tions be <br />Nferrt"d to the January 2t 1985 Plaraning eo-.ission aeeting: <br /> <br />1) ~enneth Schw3lbach request for variances to se~~cks <br />at 2611 Rice Street. <br />2) H. T. Realty Corporat ion ""quest: for \~:i ri ance to sixn <br />area and height ~'~~~ri.;.tlv.j:; ~t ~3sa \,:,!,"!~ (l~ypl :mrl. <br /> <br />RQll C~ll, Ayes: Kehr, Franke, Curley. Johnson ard Oe.os. ~ays: <br />None. <br /> <br />RESOum(lf~ <br />j <br />.~ <br /> <br />-,; <br /> <br />TANURB <br />DEVEIDPME1CT <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />RESOUJ1'1. ~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />" ~ <br /> <br />. ' <br /> <br />P~UII <br />fDIES <br /> <br />SItOIEIOOO <br />CORPOItAT!QI <br /> <br />PUHHIMG <br />CCIIIISSIQ( <br />RE'FERltALS <br /> <br />E-5 .John~on moved. Curley st"condeci that a puhlk hearin$t b~ established FIRST GRA.'iD <br />to consid~r First Grand ;\\"'e'nue LiquorS', In~. aprlicatiOl1 for off- A\"E~U tIQUCItS <br />:.ale Liquor Lh:cnse at 3) 14 OlJ Hif!hway S, on .January 14, 1~85. <br />Roll CaU, Are!;: Ket\T, Franke. CUT"l~y, Johnson and r..emos. ~ays: <br />Sone. <br />