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<br />~ . . . . . .. .... \ . " . - '. Po. <br /> <br />"- <br /> <br />r <br />, <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />ROSEV:I!..LR PLANNDtG com LSSXON <br /> <br />Page' 22 <br /> <br />Wednesrlay. Ju1.y 6. 1988 <br /> <br />that this would be an easeaent for utili \.ies and that the lot <br />.ould remain h\ it's existinq state. <br /> <br />';oedeke indicated concern that traffic qoinc.J in and. :JUt of the <br />si'1:e would be a problu because i t ,,~s so close to the stop liC)bt <br />on Rice $treet_ <br /> <br />wilson responded that the State pIadB to upgrade Rice Stree't. so <br />that it is siailar to Lexincr'on witb a center dedicated left. turn <br />lane vl1icb Ebould improve tr~ffic flew.. <br /> <br />stokes pointed out that there where hundreds of apar1:ll&nt uaita <br />in. the area as well as other hiC}h traffic generators such as U.S. <br />SWill and Pitness and the CUb Foods which already create 111_ <br />traffic volU1BQS.. Wilson pointed out that. a three lane daslp'and <br />a cbanqe in the tilling of the signal lights would help traffic <br />flow in the area.. <br /> <br />Berry concurJ:'8cl that signal would iJaprove traffic flow <br />situa~ion in the area.. <br /> <br />Lealie KZ'u1I1D, 2252 Marion. indicated tho con<:ern that each t.baa a <br />developaent proJect has been proposed for the site it baS b$Qn <br />b1wer than the previous proposal. ltrmDa pointed out that sigaal <br />tiaing is a problem in the ares. <br /> <br />Ray McDonald, 2241 Karion. pointed out that tbQ previous EkotfOBal <br />was limited because of traffic impacts and that new aevelopaG:D1:. <br />has occurred in the area Which bas added to traffic probl&BB iD <br />t}ole are&... McDonald enc~reqed that a traffic study be done 1:0 <br />.1eal with the traific probleas in the area. <br /> <br />tar.ry Bieza, 182 S. McCarrons Boulevard, discussed the traffic <br />t probleJl1S in the area, questioned why the project has chanqed, and <br />encouraged that the project be as sull as possible. Waldron <br />raspond~d that the previous developer vas unable to obtaiD <br />financinq for the projoCt~t, and that is why it did not aove <br />fOrtlaN. <br /> <br />Goedeke stat.ed that ~e could not bel!eve tnat a traffic study vas <br />not done for <this project. Johnson poin+..ed out that it vas a <br />state road and th~t. thQ st3.te comes O~J.t;. and evaluates traffic <br />le'\r ells and makes a.ppropriatE imprc.-.ements. when they are <br />w="rranted. <br /> <br />stokes f'.,)inted out tbat this develQper has a qOOd. history, but <br />that tt.e traffic in the area would be a condition "fA in bis <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />.~~ <br />-,\,:", <br />~:~ <br />-;~ <br />~L~ <br />,'~)j <br />-O,,:"! <br /> <br />; <br /> <br />.;-~~~"j <br /> <br />'-: I ~ . <br />:::ii <br />.~ <br />