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<br />I ,.. .. . <br />. .' . . ,. 4 . <br />. . -' <br /> <br />lEGAL DESCRIPTiO~ <br /> <br />The North 180 feet of the South 1&09.59 feet of the East 295 feet of the Southeast <br />t of Section I, Towns~ip ~9 North, kan~c 2j ~e>c, ~cy Cv~u:J. ~~ject <br />to streets, hig~way easesentF and a 15 foot sewer easement over the West 15 feet <br />of the East 48 feet of said Southeast i. recor~ed in Book 1734 Deeds, Page 161. <br /> <br />The said above ~escribed pr3perey is also ~~bjcct to two easements for driYev&) purp0888. <br />Tbese ease~nts are described as follows: <br /> <br />1. beginning at a poine on the East line of Section 1. TOWfi~t 'p 29, tange 23. ~e7 <br />Co~ty, Minnesota and 1787.99 feet North oi the Soutb line of said Sectlou 1; <br />t~nce Northwesterly to a point 108 feet West of said East line 3nd 1909.59 feet <br />Borth of said Souta 1ioe; thence South to the point of beginning ODd there <br />terainating. <br /> <br />2. Beginning at a point on the East line of 5ection 1. Township 29. Jtanae 23. IIaIIsey <br />CoaDty, Minuesota and 1651.19 feet Morth of tbe South line of said SectiDG I. <br />tbeDce Southwesterly '0 a point 108 :eet West of said Eas~ line aud 1629.59 fee~ <br />Borth of said South line; thence Ea~t to said East line ~d 1629.59 feet BOrt~ <br />of said Soutb line; tbe...ce JIorth to point of begir.nlng and the"::e tera1r,..,U,ug. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Together with tvo driveway easUlt'nts over adjoi.ning properties described as follows: <br /> <br />). BegilmLlg at a point <>n tbe East line of Section 1. TovnsLip 29. lIBnge 23, 1I.aD8ey -'~ <br />CouPty, !tinnesota and 1831.19 feet Bortb of t.he Soutb Hue uf said Sectios 1; '-_',1 <br />thence So~tbwesterly to a point 108 feet West of said East line aDd 1809.59 feet J <br />JIortb of said South line; thence East to said East line &1ld lr.>9.S9 fee~ JIortll ] <br />of said Soutb line; thence: !'Iarth to poin~ of begicning 8IK there tenaiDat1Dg. '~ <br /> <br />'J <br />4. iSeginning at a point on tho> fast line of Section I, Tcnm.sblp 29. llaD&e 23. .~ <br />Rur&ey County. !Unnesota and 1607. 99 f~et 1k>rth of the 50uth llue of said ,_j, <br />Section 1; thence Hortbwesterly to a point 108 feet West of said East liae ~ <br />162~.S~ feet Nortb of said Sooth line; thence East to said East line pd '1 <br />J629.S9 feet !lk>rth of said Soutl> line; thence Soutb to point of begiDDia& aad ,~ <br />there terminatlrg. <br /> <br />