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<br />?~Q7:EST ~''''\D CC.:_~~~C= =- .;C"7':::: G~; <br /> <br />.:._)::-._c.-' <br />- - ~ '- <br /> <br />.:....:....._...::..: <br /> <br />~ <br />'- <br /> <br />: :-2..~ ~:c:. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />D€p~rL=e~t App~C~3l: <br /> <br />Ma~age;- ~e;ie~ed: <br /> <br />..;gE:",Ja ~~;::~:. ('~:1: <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~-~,~,-~--......... \\ <br />, -~'>-.Y <br /> <br />:.:::nser....t <br /> <br />Ite~ Descrip-:.ic!":: <br /> <br />f(')r <br /> <br />d <br /> <br />He!'11e <br /> <br />;';alsh <br /> <br />Carel <br /> <br />::-eq~est <br /> <br />Ma::t"y <br /> <br />ana.. <br /> <br />~incr ~c~i~~ce a~ ~~~ E~roe~ S~reet~ <br /> <br />Marl Walsh arid CaY'ol H<2!";..:t Qft~ praperty ~7'"~ the ':::0r71er v! !-!a~ic.~ <br />Street and El~er Street.. These st.reets a~e ~ei.nq "reconstructed as <br />pa:--t of ~'1e pav~"T;<2:nt ~anaae:i:'1e7:t pro-gr~~.. Ci t.y ordldances require <br />that a drive..ay ,be located at: least 3C feet a.ay fro!:! the s.idt <br />st.....f?et. The existing d!"i.....:et.i~v on tb.-e property in question ;'$ <br />locatec: 18 feet fr~~ the side s'treet z!-~ a 12 fo~t variance <br />lS nec'~ssary. The existi"g d::-i~..-e...ay 15 3lso apprck,,,,a~e:.y 36 feet <br />.ide at the property line .hich is 10 ~eet greater th~~ th~ 2fi feet <br />allo;",;ed.. Mar.:" Walsh arhi Car.:)l Her:le ha~..~e req'cJ€s-ced a .,"~Q:--i~n=e ,-v <br />allc~ ~he drive~ay ~c be recunstru~~ed in its prese~t co~figurativ~.. <br /> <br />The Rosc~l'ille ~incr- '\7arianc::e Co~it~ee co:rve:1ed on J~~l~ 'i.. z 195'0 and <br />unanimousiy reccm~lded approval vf a 12 foot setback varIance but <br />did not reco~end t;:)r the dri-,rew3Y ....idt.h varianc~.. The C~~it.te-e <br />felt that th~ locatio~ ana vrie~tation o~ Lhe d~ive~ay li~its <br />f~asibl~ alternati....!e driv12way loc:!tio:':s.. The Co~it"tE:e fe)~t 'that. <br />~1e extra -.;idth ~hich is a ll~€gal pa-r-king pad on Cl't.y rig~t .Qf-.ay <br />~as I)ct justified or ~eces~~ry_ <br /> <br />All i~F3c~ed ncight~rs supp~rt~d ~~E p~cj€~t.. <br /> <br />R~quireJ?en":.: <br />Frc:)osed: <br /> <br />30 fee~ <br /> <br />~v ~eet <br /> <br />....~ar.::..ance: <br /> <br />12 fe€-: <br /> <br />~ ~arlance: ~0i <br /> <br />C'CI'NC~~ ..~C'l':::'~,: REQ: "EE7ED: <br /> <br />~PFr2ve d~.:~ ~3ry ~~:sh a~~ <br /> <br />~,..):.:'=.:: t,.:- <br /> <br />C~~cl :\~~~e ~eq~est ~~-~ a ~i~~r vart~~C~ <br />Jt ~.~e~ S~~c~t_ <br /> <br />