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<br /> <br />! # <br /> <br />.:...,:. <br /> <br />REQCEST ~~~ CC~NCI~ ACTION <br /> <br />0~~.},E : <br /> <br />6-25-90 <br /> <br />15"'~ , <br />ITS"'! NO..: _ ~ <br /> <br />Depar-~€nt Apprcva~: <br />r'\~ <br />~) <br /> <br />~~nager Reviewed: <br /> <br />Agenda Section: <br /> <br />.., .~ <br />',~~~:~; <br /> <br />Ccnse'!"'!~ <br /> <br />Item r~sc~ip~io~~ <br /> <br />Jonn ~a~.burge:: request for a w.inar \'-ariance <br />at ~J~4 Cvha~sey Bcu~ev~r~. <br /> <br />The Mihor Varia~ce CQ~uiLt2e ca~vened ~~~c <br />reccEmended approv~l Gf ~chn Ha~~rger:s <br />variance 3t 2074 Cohansey Bculevcrd. <br /> <br />14, 1990 3~Q unani~ously <br />re~~esL f~r a minor <br /> <br />Mr. Hamburger's property lies at the intersection of Cchanse)' and <br />Crescent Lane. The stre.ets are beir.g reconstr\Jctec as part cr ~he <br />City's repave:aent >::anage.ment progralU. The, Ci~i ordi.nailces req-uire <br />that d~ive-';dYs be no clos;er than 30 fee\: tc the s.ide ~~re~t on a <br />.;::orner I at. Mr. HaJ!'J:mrger' 50 dr:. vcIWay comes right ' It at 't.he ccr:"~r <br />of the propert:y. Therefore. Hr. Ha&:3burger has app.l ied fer a <br />varia:1c,e to have a drivE'o.'ay .,ith a 0 foot satback insteao of the <br />re~~ired 3G f0Ct setback. <br /> <br />The Minor Varia~c~ Comr.itt~e revie..€c the propcs~l and felt that it <br />~as :1ot a reaso~able re~~est to mai~tain ~he drivEway at its <br />existing location fvT safety reasons aDd alsc because of the <br />loca~ion of a ca'tch basin which ;.'culd fall i:1 the ::"!iddle of tile <br />driveway. The Minor Variance COmI!littee unani~o\.isly reco!!iJilE!.1"1ded a <br />15 foot variance ~hich would place ti1e ::2riveway so T;hat it ..ould <br />~i$$ th~ catc~ basin and provide a safar t~affic ~ ituation. <br /> <br />All. i~:;a.~ted ~eighbors s:lpported the project_ <br /> <br />Requi:':"e::i€I(t: <br />i!rcpcsed: <br /> <br />3D ~E-e~ <br />1~ feet <br /> <br />.. d'.. .....a'..:\w-c-... <br />\ \~arian...::€: <br /> <br />..J.. _' :. t:~'!:;:. \.... <br /> <br />h i.....~ <br />_.~-'t< <br /> <br />COCNCIL ..~c-TI0N F;:;'::Ql~ES :Ei""': <br /> <br />~.!c-tlC!: <br />r~quest <br /> <br />.- <br />LI.. <br /> <br />a~::p~('\:e. ~~r:y ...1 ::h:i :iar.burger '( s <br /> <br />fot" a mInor variance at 2074 <br /> <br />C~h:inse:- b(;:l(lL'\''"a ~-j.. <br />