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<br /> <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />":'J <br /> <br />REQCE.:-;T ~;,).K CO:..::~';CIl. ACT=0~~ <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />6-25-90 <br /> <br />-, <br /> <br />!7EH NO..: p-~ <br /> <br />Department Approval: <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Manager Revle~ed: <br />" -,-,\0",\" <br />"--------'..-~----~ <br /> <br />Ager,da Se::::t i:;;r; : <br /> <br />Ccnse::t <br /> <br />Item De5cripticn: <br /> <br />Stanley Quist rey~est for 3 ~i~cr varlance at <br />8sa L~vell Av~nue. <br /> <br />Th~ Miner Va~ian~e Conu.ittee convened ~~ne 21, <br />recommel...:ied apprcvi:ll of a ~i~or variance fel" <br />..(well Avenue. <br /> <br />199C a!1d u~anb::.ously <br />Sta<11e1' Qui~t <'\t 8S8 <br /> <br />M. ~. Quist wishes tc add small F")rch additions to tile f~o::1t and :-ear <br />:)" t.he existing dwelling. The existing d\-Je:.ling is setback 5 feet <br />f:r-;Ii! the frGnt prope~ty line. The proposed additio:1 to th€ front of <br />thl~ house would not project any further than the existing ~Tch on <br />the front of the d..e,llinq ..hic..~ is setback 5 fee~. The :lormal~y <br />r~q'lireo setZack is 30 feet. <br /> <br />The Minor Varian.,e Co~i ttee fel t this is a reasonable request. <br />beC31..Se +-.he dwelling ..o'.lid be still be sE-.:.back si;;ilar to t..'1e <br />adjac~..t houses. beca..tse the addition would no": project out any <br />furthl'r than the €xisting pur~h, and because 'Che City has previouS'ly <br />~cquired 19 feet of additional rj1ht-of-way which affected ':he front <br />sethac~ of the existinq dweliing. <br /> <br />All i~pacted neighbors supported ~he project. <br /> <br />~eq'.lire1'"eJ!t : <br />Proposed: <br />Varia!1ce: <br />% Varianc~: <br /> <br />30 feet <br />_ feet <br />25 f€€t <br />B.:{ <br /> <br />COt~t;CIL Ac-r.:..v!'i ;'\r..~~:~";;c.:-::... <br /> <br />~:.:.: .: 2 -=-_ .... '"' ~-:;-r-I""I'.!',p _: riP:'1V <br />~€q-~O:::$t f~r ,l ~i!1:Jr <br />~o,"-e 1,1 ;.. ,..-e,,~e. <br /> <br />Stanl ev Q~i.5t \ S <br />~aria~c~ at 833 <br /> <br />