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<br /> <br />FRO!' J'oi'!'. ??'.~,jI,~'?~: 9'"1"11 FE-, !Ill. CON...., JDj~:;;JH 11?~ . ~ 7, . 9! l~' 5.0 <br /> <br />~O.7 <br /> <br />ppE'., 7;"t) <br /> <br />~IIn A <br /> <br />Tbat part of outlot C, Slawik Park, ~hich lies Sou~~erly of the <br />I:acterly exr.ensi.or. across said 0~tlot C of a line 8.04 fe*t <br />Southerly of lk"\d parallel to the North line of OUtlet B, said <br />Slawi~ Park whicb 1i&$ Westerly of a line ru~ parallal with and <br />distant 40 teet easterly of Line 1 described b~lov, northerly ~t a <br />line rW'l parallel vith ar.d distan~ 70 feet nC)rt.~~rly of Line 2 <br />described heloy a...uS Easoterly of a line run parallel \d th and <br />dl$~ant 30 teet easterly of line ) de~cribed below: <br /> <br />Line 1.. Beqitmir.g at the poir:.t of teninaHon of Line 2 descrH~Qd <br />l-elov: thence run Ylortherly a.t right Ml91.. to said Line =' for <br />290.58 feet; t.ht1nc~ deilo1Jct to the right on a tanq.ntial curv", <br />having a radi;1s of 618.51 feet and a delta anqle of )3 degrees 28 <br />.inut66 53 aeconds for 472.31 feet: t.hence on t<m':Je!1t ~o said curve <br />for 15.48 fOAt; thence deflac~ to the left on a tang~ntial curvQ <br />having a radius ot 818.51 feet and a deltA ~<Jle. ,'3f 31 degr..c 07 <br />minutes 19 seconds tor ~44.6 feet and there tarainatinq; <br /> <br />Line ::!. Deqinning at a point on tht ust .1 in~ of SectIon 4, <br />T~wnship 29 North, ~q& 23 Wes~ distant 127.41 feet north of the <br />Southeast corner thereot; then~~ run westerly <<t an angle of 86 <br />dr.cp:ees 42 lRinutes 3~ seConds fro~ ",aid e<ist section 11n4 (:me~sured <br />froJa north to west) for 477.83 feet and tht!lre ter1l.ina.ting: <br /> <br />Line 3. COlDDencinq at the COX'nr.r of s.ection 4 I 'l'ovnship <br />2~ N()rth, ~e 2J West, t..beuce North (USWlled bearing) along tbe <br />East lin. ot said Saction . at a dist~nce of 127.~1 teet, tbance <br />North ti c!eqr... 42 Idnut. 34 f\6conds West 483.:>>~ f_t to poiDt of <br />begiM.tnu of Line 3: thence North OJ deg1:'f:es 16 m1..'1utes SO seconds <br /> 178.04 teet to point of tanqential curve; thence along a curve <br />t. 1 the left 125.2.8 feat, .radius ~4> 500 feet, oelt.a ang-le of 14- <br />dtogrees 20 minutes 44 seconds) th North 11 degrees 03 .in<.lte.,. <br />54 seconds WeISt tangent t,o said curve ./.81.72 feet to point of <br />tangential c~rv~, ~ence elo~ 3 curve to the riqbt 96.56 ~eftt, <br />radius o~ soo foet, d.l~a angle of 11 deqrees OJ Dlnutes 54 seconds <br />and there teainating. <br /> <br />And ti1a~ part of the :'Joutheast quarter of S6ction ..., TOYnShip ~~ <br />North. Ran<Je 23 Wast whicb lies Easterly of Outlo~ C, Slavik Park, <br />Southerly g-! the Easte:rly exteneic-n aCl"Q&:s saId outlot of a lirl8 <br />8.0'; feet Southerl}" of ~nd parall~l to the North 1in~ of. Outlot 8, <br />$aid Sla.vik Park, ahd Westerly of th~ foHo1o/ dQSiCribed line: <br />Fro1\! t,bf!'! east quarter corner of aaid Section 4, run \tl\st~rly ,lonq <br />the .a5t and wes~ quaLt~r li~e ~~~~eof on an azimuth ot ~68 degrees <br />48 minutes 07 sece>nds (azimuth orient.ed tQ M.inn~ ...t~ stat. Pl~,ne <br />Coo~dinate System) Zor 1.50 feet to th~ point of ;inrsing of th~ <br />line to be d.B~ril'.d; thence on an azimuth of ...7& degr~es 41 <br />minutes 56 eeconds f~r 761,83 feat; then~~ ect to the riqht on <br />a tangent,1,ai curve bavin9 ra.diu/;; of 5745.4: t and a delta angle <br /> <br />24'~ <br /> <br />