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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,November 17,2014 <br /> Page 6 <br /> the many different concepts for a community center, but also noted the need for a <br /> realistic and specific discussion on costs for those components as they related to <br /> the overall costs, and making a determination on exactly what a community center <br /> concept is desired. After those discussions, Mayor Roe suggested plans be put in <br /> place and a generic structure to guide a future process, so when important deci- <br /> sions need to be made, the information is available and they are Roseville specif- <br /> ic. <br /> In response to the comments of Councilmember Willmus, Councilmember <br /> Laliberte requested market data for Roseville, as well as surrounding communities <br /> with community centers having private clubs or facilities, a better understanding <br /> of the negative and/or positive impacts and competition from of those private fa- <br /> cilities, and a better understanding of operating deficits in community-owned fa- <br /> cilities, including competing choices. <br /> As a long-time supporter of a community center providing facilities to serve the <br /> entire population year-round, Councilmember McGehee reiterated her support of <br /> a community center. Councilmember McGehee advised that she had contacted <br /> the City of Shoreview's Finance Department, and they informed her that the City <br /> planned an annual deficit, setting aside 25% funding, in order to keep community <br /> center fees within the reach of the entire community, even though they realized <br /> they were subsidizing the operation from their tax levy to do so, but considered it <br /> differently than an operating deficit. When a serious community center discus- <br /> sion came forward, Councilmember McGhee opined that it would be nice to have <br /> that type of format for a pricing structure; and while a market survey was fine, a <br /> community center was not intended as a fitness center, but very different, and <br /> should not be considered to be competitive with those private businesses. <br /> Commissioner Stoner duly noted the various information being requested by the <br /> City Council, and also the consistency in requests for updated information on oth- <br /> er community centers, recent improvements, and updated financial data, and tim- <br /> ing for the Commission to gather that information during 2015. <br /> Chair Holt advised that he was considering the information gathering toward the <br /> end of 2015, allowing information to be provided after Roseville facilities are in <br /> use and then having more factual information available next fall to present to the <br /> City Council. <br /> Mayor Roe emphasized again the need for community input, similar to the listen- <br /> ing sessions for the Master Plan process, besides factual and financial infor- <br /> mation, perhaps even with a small, statistically valid survey offering various <br /> choices or components for a community center. Mayor Roe also emphasized the <br /> need for putting a plan in place, with steps, to get there. <br />