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<br />7.4 The residents and the Planning Commission asked questions of the City Planner to clarify <br />history of the site, Code requirements, and the staff recommendation. Upon <br />consideration of the information provided at the hearing, the Commission concluded that <br />the request did not meet the necessary hardship test. <br /> <br />7.5 The Roseville Planning Commission voted (4-1) to recommended denial of the request <br />for a 2-1/2 foot variance to Section 1012.02B2 of the Roseville City Code to allow a <br />fence 6-112 feet in height in the front yard of property located at 1897 Shady Beach <br />Avenue, based on the following findings: <br /> <br />A. The property can be put to reasonable use under the official controls of the City. <br />A 4- foot tall fence can provide the privacy desired by the applicant, without <br />having a profound impact on the neighborhood. Landscape screening can be <br />installed to augment the 4- foot tall fence. <br /> <br />B. The property owner created the circumstance by his desire to construct a fence <br />taller than allowed by Code. A 6-112 foot tall fence does not provide any more <br />screening or blocking of potential headlight glare from Shady Beach Drive and <br />the neighboring driveway than a 4-foot tall fence. <br /> <br />C. The 6-112 foot tall fence does alter the essential character of this neighborhood. <br /> <br />8.0 SUGGESTED CITY COUNCIL ACTION <br /> <br />8.1 Adopt a resolution to deny (approve or approve w/conditions) the request by Brad <br />Hoff for a 2-1/2 foot variance to Section 1012.02B2 of the Roseville City Code, based <br />on the findings of the Planning Commission (11/14/01). (and additional findings the <br />Council may wish to add into the record) <br /> <br />Prepared by: Thomas Paschke (490-2236) <br /> <br />Attachments: Property location map; site photo; proposed plans; draft resolution of denial. <br />Neighborhood letters/submissions form 11/14/01 Pc. Meeting. <br />Application received/accepted on October 2, 2001; 60-day review deadline on December 1,2001. <br /> <br />PF3347 ReA 112601 Page 5 of 5 <br />