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<br />~1-18-~2 15:11 FAIRVIEW COMMUNITY CENTER <br />::i.t.l'-n 1ST; ~ J.U "-, 4'''''''. U.' ..w~~. . Jl?_=_~~.1.6~435~ 1 <br /> <br />P~2/~2 <br /> <br />~~~MdJ <br /> <br />~ARCEL 1; Tornms Ctttif1catc No, 2Z3196 /' <br /> <br />That part of the South three...!o11l'ths 01 the Northe#t ~ of W.a Southeast Quarter of <br />dfJ Section 10, Township 2~, Range 23. ~ West of the But two hundred ~ixty-fOUl(E. 264 <br />teet) thereof. and North Of ,line drawn parallel to aDd 1,328.25 feet North, from the South <br />line of said ~etion 10. aceordias to the U.s. Government SUlVcy thereof. <br /> <br />PARCEL 2: Torrens CertJftc:ato No. 223196 ,/" <br /> <br />I. JI'hc Ea.~t one-half (E 1/2) of the Nortbwest quarter (NW 1/4) of the Southeast q~aner (SE <br />V 1/4) of Semon leD (10), Townahip tw.:r1t;Y (Z9)., Range twenty-three (23). ~~l such part <br />OJ" portion thereof heretofore taken ror highway putpoSeSt accordlag to the United StateS <br />OOVCnmtCDt Survey thereof. <br /> <br />PARCEL 3: Tomn& Ceni&cate No; ~196 / <br /> <br />The North one-haJ! (N 1/2) or tht North one-balf (N 1/2) of the NortheUl quarter (NE <br />e1V 1/4) of the Southeast quarter (SE 1/;') of Section nuni~r ten (10) in Township number <br />twenty-nine (29). l{angc number twCJl.ty..Lhree (23), except the Eait two hu.ndred and sixtY" <br />four (B. 264) feet thereof. <br /> <br />PAR.CBL 4; ToacaS CertHicat4 No. 230831 / <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />The South one bundre4 fifty (8. 150) feet of the Bast twO hundred sixty-four (E. 264) feet" <br />~f the North one qUiJW (N 1/4) of We Nonheast Q.uarter (NE 1/4) 01 we Southeast <br />.\ er SB 1/4) of Sectlon wm.ber ten (10). Township twenty-nine (29), Range twenty. <br />J) ce (23 i aud Lhe North !orty-fives (N. 4S) feet of the South one hundred ninety-five ($.. <br />195) feet of th4: East one bundred seventy-eight (B. 17S) feet or the North one quarter (N <br />1/4) of tho No~85t quarter (HE 1/4)t SoUtheast quartet (SB 1/4)~ Seetion 10. <br />PARCEL S: AbsUaet DocumMt No. 1128198 <br /> <br />The ~t 264.00 feet of tile South half of the North half of the Northeast quarter of the <br />SOutheast quaner, aild ~ north 2-'.00 feet aCme eut 204.00 feee of the South half of tbo <br />Northeast quarter of the Southeast <luarter. aU in Section 10, Township 29, RafJge 2$. <br /> <br />~ ' <br />Sl-lS-S2 ld:2S TO:FAXRVIEW COMMUNITY CgNTER <br /> <br />FROM:15516351669 <br /> <br />P6)2 <br />