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<br />AH'l'ICLE III <br /> <br />DIRECTORS <br /> <br />Section 3.1. General Powers. The proper ty , af fairs and <br />business of the corporation shall be- managed by the Board of Direc- <br />tors. <br /> <br />Section 3.2 Number; QualJ-=.ficationi 'rerm of Office. The <br />directors of the corporation shall consist of an-2f-shalr-Se--limited <br />to those individuals who from time to time comprise the members of <br />the City Council of the City of Roseville, Minnesota, elected or <br />appointed in accordance with the charter of the City of Roseville, <br />Minnesota. Each director shall hold office so long as he or she <br />remains a member of the City Counsel of the City of Roseville, <br />Minnesota, subject, hO\"ever, to his or her rights to resign as a <br />director of the corporation in accordance with Section 3.4 hereof. <br /> <br />Section 3.3. Org~Q:~_~~!:l:9}J. The Board of Directors may elect <br />f rom among its own number a cha i rman and a v ice cha i rman . T f so <br />elected, the chairman or, in his absence or on his failure or <br />inability to act, the vice chairman (if one be elected) shall <br />preside at all meetings of the Board and of the executive commit- <br />tee, if one be constituted. Otherwise, the president of the corpo- <br />ration shall so preside or, in his absence or on his failure or <br />inability to act, such person as may be chosen by a majority of the <br />directors present at any such meeting shall preside. The secretary <br />of the corporation or, in his absence or on his inability or refus- <br />al to act, any person vlho the presiding officer shall appoint, <br />shall act as secretary of each meeting of the Board and the execu- <br />tive committee, if one be constituted. Neither the chairman or the <br />vice chairman, nor any person appointed to act as secretary of a <br />particular meeting, shall be considered an officer of the corpora- <br />tion unless otherwise elected as such in accordance with Article IV <br />of these Bylaws. <br /> <br />Section 3.4. g~signatio~. A director may resign at any time <br />by giving written notice to the president or to the secretary of <br />the corporation. The resignation of a director shall take effect <br />at the time specified therein, or, if no time is specified there- <br />in, upon receipt by the off icer of the corporation to Vlhom such <br />VIr it ten not ice is given; unless otherVl ise spec i f ied there in, the <br />acceptance of such resigna tion shaLl not be necessary to make it <br />effective. <br /> <br />Section 3.5. ~nnual Meeting. An annual meeting of the Board <br />of Directors shall be held for the purpose of electing the officers <br />of the corporation and for the transaction of such other business <br />as shall come before the meeting. Notice of such meeting shall be <br />glven as provided in Section 3.9 hereof. <br /> <br />Section 3.6. Regular Meetings. Regula r meet ing5 of the <br />Board of Directors may be held from time to time at such times as <br /> <br />2 <br />