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<br />Section 4.7. <br /> <br />Yice Pre~ent. <br /> <br />E ;]. C 11 V i C;~? ~) res i c1 e r1 t 1 .l r <br /> <br />~) 11;) C~ '2 1 I.:: c t e (] D ~{ t 1'1:: 13 () a r (1 0 f 1) i r c: c t lJ r ~:; r S 11 riel \7 (,:: ::; U C (l <br />rs ClllJ stlall 92rfor~ suc~ duties as :nay ~e s c:ifi in t se <br />la\l~j or qrescrij)ed l: ~3oGtrcl or (:J.''l2 )reSl nt~ T,'"! t.l-l<::: <br />8\1(~n'\: of di)E;C::flce or disaoility of tile :.)[c;:3iJc:nt:; L_Ll;~ "'/lce; <br />LJ[C::3icler1ts ;;b2111 succeed to i.:b(~ ~)r'(~E3 c:nt I ~J r Elnd du'i::i~~~; ii"l <br />corder desigrlut2d by the Board of Directors. <br /> <br />Section 4.8. S~creta(y.. 'l'b2 secu:;>tary Sh211 Ol:; sc:crel:ary <br />02 f and ~..lhen J?reSe11t 1 sI-12111 rec()rd ?roce2c]ings at 2111 nlt~et:.irlgs of <br />th:;; m(~moers of t: corporation, the Board of Directorsf and the <br />c:;~((:cu-;:iv(:.? cornr~litt:,~~:;e t" if onE~ ;JC con[:)citut,3() '" :I'h(~ ;;3I2CrE?Cctr:l .~;h(111 <br />>~2[::;::) a re:]ister of the rlarne~:-~ cl.dCl c1dctres:::;2E; of all ;nC::ln;)C~r3 of tYtc:: <br />cor9oration and shall at all times ke2? on file a complete co <br />() [" t i"l;; }\ r 'C i c 1 (~Ei () fIn c () r '(.) 0 r 21 t i 0 11 ,::1 n ::] a. 11 (1 I":l :=: II cl rn c: n t ;~; i.:) n <br />r (; ;':1 tat Q in e n t ~::; t hc~ r c: 0 i~ Et 1'1 ~J \:3. C () In :.) 1 e tee 0 ;~) ~l 0 E t h (~ ;.:; c '~~~ "iT 1 a \'} ~~:~ a i1 <] d 11 <br />dL1Cn(JrnenL:~~~ a~1d r2sl:a~~:2rn(~nt~~ ~12reof ~ l]:bo sccr(~tarJ./ E)1'1a.l1 J i'/2 r <br />~/}lCi'l dirccl:c:d to d.o f~O r )1:"0 r notice; of 1:teetinq:3 o.f C.l'l(: ]";1{;?:ri;t;,)2fE:; <br />l.. 13oarcl. 02 l)ircct.ors; ti''1e (~:~C:CU.t.:l.V[:: cOYl1rnittee; if O(l~~ ;JC: <br />C01'lS~itut2dQ The secretary s11all Derforhl SllC11 other Cuties as <br />.;:roIn time to tijn~:=: i)e ,)r2:3cr:i.;J i:>y the merllJJer~)f tbe Board of <br />Directors of by the president 2nd, in general, shall perform all <br />Jllti2S iilcident to t~12 of~ice of secretary. <br /> <br />S e c t ion 4. 9 ~ 'I' L~,,-_fL,7JLrsJ;". . The <br />certain duties as may from time to <br />BODr(~t ~)I i)ir2Cc.~J:Z~S{l For Sj2I1era.l i~)ur <br />Cor9oration will contract out treasury L~ <br /> <br /><-13urcr <br /> <br />:3 ha 11 <br /> <br />:J e r f 0 j: t.l <br /> <br />t. i rne <br /> <br />:.;e3 <br /> <br />.. .' . <br />"J ::~ ::-.) r e ;:.) c r ].~) e :~,l i) ~l L <br />t be Local Devc~ 10 <br />1'1 L~ i;J i 1 i tie s " <br /> <br />tIt <br /> <br />See t ion 4, a 10 . at he :r~Lc;;.s;.J:_s R ASLE:a.L~111.Q. EillJ2-1 0 ye e ~; . '1' L (2 <br />C()c:?oratiorl iTlGl~'l l~la\le SUetl other off.ici~r[:J tJrlC\ ag.211tf) El~3 i'il::).:~l iJC; <br />de21~leJ r12cessary or appro9riate by the Board of Directors, ~~11o <br />::)L-la,11 :)8 aLJf)oir1"t~~(j in ~-;UCi'l rnanrlE'::[r ;la've StIefl (Jutie;3; arlcl i-l()ld, <br />~lleir offices for such -terrDS as may De ~etermined by resolutio~ <br />0i ~lle Board of Directors. <br /> <br />Section [Lll~ Bond. Ti12 J30ard of Directors :3halJ. :C[Omi::.i.Tll:',: <br />L() ti.I11::-=: de"i.:.errnil1G \"lnlCn, if LlftYr U~=[ic2r[~ of l:i-"1e cor:Jorc.~tic)n <br />:;1-1a11 ,Je ;J()11de~! ,~:l~1~J CflC; a.rnount of eZ:.tcl'l j")()l'1cI;, t ~::}~i)c-:nsr:; of ~dl.lich <br />stlalJ. ;J2 borne tt'12 cor0ora'tioi1~ <br /> <br />o <br />