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<br />('. <br />.rF' <br /> <br />~B"" J. LEVITT <br />Cou OZBLER <br />RoBERT M. BOWEN <br />ROB'EBT G. SBABE <br />BURT E. SWANSON <br />.. J. GALVtl<. JR. <br />""Il C. FORSBERG <br />J. MCNEELY <br /> <br />~~";L/R~=UR. JR. <br /> <br />TERENCE N. DOYLE <br />RrcHARD H. KYLE <br />JOHN L DEVNBY <br />RONALD L. SoBE:NSON <br />Pun H. SEED <br />s.u.UEL L. !lANSON <br />RONALD E. OllClLUlD <br />JOHN TDOYEB <br />STEPHEN WINNICK <br />AVRON L. GOROON <br />JaRN R. KENEl"ICK <br />TBOlUS A. LA.BSON <br />DAVID J. SPENCER <br />DANIEL J. COLE. JR. <br />Douous L. SaOH <br />MICHAEL H. JEBONUIUS <br />Il Scott DAVIES <br />J. P.TRICK McDAVITt' <br /> <br />JOHN 13. VAN DE NORTH, JR. <br />RIcBAIiD G. MAliK <br />ANDREW C. SELDEN <br />ANDREW C. BECHER <br />JEPl"REY J. KEYES <br />JAXES E. NELSON <br />JEROME A.GElS <br />STEVE A. BRA.ND <br />JOEL H. GonESMAN <br />KA.IuN L. WILLE <br />ALAN H. MACLIN <br />JE:PYR1!:Y F. SHAW <br />MA'ITBEW L.l..EVlTT <br />DAVID G. GBEENING <br />DAVID B. SAND <br />JOSEPH P. NOACK <br />CBAJllES R.lIAYNOR <br />ANDREA M. BoND <br />TIMOTHY P. FL.A.BEBTY <br />M.&.BnN H. FISK <br />ROBERT J. PRATTE <br />JOHN BULTENA <br />JAMES G. RAY <br />RlcBAIiD H. MA.RTrn <br />TRUDY J. HALLA <br />MARy L. lPPEL <br />JAMES A. VaSE <br />RoBYN L. HA..NSEN <br /> <br />LAW OFFICES <br /> <br />ROBERT E. 'WOODS <br />WllllA..'( J. JO.uns <br />MARGARET K. S!..VAGE <br />JOBS K. ELUSOBOE <br />BRIA.."'I' G. BEUSLE <br />ToNY Srr.!<BEB:OEB <br />M..urr E. ScH.A.l".FNER <br />M.ICB.A.EL H. STRUTER <br />JOR."i H. l..J~STBOM <br />RICHARD D. A...~DE.BSOS <br />SALLy...... ScOOOI:S <br />DAYID C. ~1cDmu..LD <br />BRUCE W. MooTY <br />A."iDBEW R. KlNTZINOEB <br />FBEDEHICK P. 1\.,"msT <br />ROBERT L. LEE <br />A."ffl" H USTRODS <br />GREGORY J. STENMOE <br />CHA.RLES B. ROGERS <br />TERRY L. SLYE <br />~1AUREEN E. WARREN <br />~UHY M. DYRSETH <br />PATRICK ~. GABBY <br />TIMOTHY E. MARx <br />CHERYL A- THOMAS <br />REV!!< A. BERG <br />}'1ARK SCRRmmEB: <br />101. ERIOID McDONOUGH <br /> <br />BRIGGS <br /> <br />AND <br /> <br />~10RGAN <br /> <br />PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION <br /> <br />2200 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING <br /> <br />SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 <br /> <br />TELEPHONE (612) 291-1215 <br /> <br />TELECOPIER (612) 222 -4071 <br /> <br />INCLUDING THE FORMER FIRM OF <br />LEVITT, PALMER, BOWEN, ROTMAN & SHARE <br /> <br />January 22, 1988 <br /> <br />Via Messenger <br /> <br />Mr. Craig A. Waldron <br />City of Roseville <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br /> <br />Re: Roseville Local Development Corporation <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Waldron: <br /> <br />MICHAEL J. GRIMES <br />MARlA...l.f ~. DURKIN <br />CHRISTOPHER C. CLE'\""ELA..VO <br />S"ANCT D. ARNtSON <br />MICHA.EL J. ~cEu.ISTllE}( <br />UUB.E1( A. FITBlA.."i <br />PAUL S. JACOBSEN <br />COLLEEN V. SaORT <br />DUJU J. \'A.NCE-BRYA..~ <br />KEAl. T. BUETHE. <br />St.:SAN B. THOKAS <br />TIMOTHY J. lUEJi'A."i <br />ROBERT L. STEBl:'P <br />}1ICllAEL THOMAS ~1ILLER <br />CARLOS R. CAHRASQt;U.LO <br />KRISTIN S. XF.LBY <br />ELENA L. OSTBY <br />KEVI'X J. firSIEER <br />RLTH J. KEuu.... <br />\'INcEn A. TnoKAs <br />fuRl[ J. FRENZ <br />N'ASCY J. WaLl" <br />DEI\'1'IIS L.llA.LL <br />A,11l1)REA ~1. fuCE!II.EIEH <br />PATRICK T. SllELLY <br />DIA.NE .B. LITTLE <br /> <br />OF COL'NSEL <br />J. NEIL MORTON <br />RICHARD E. KYLE <br />JOIL"i M. PA.I.J(ER <br />SAMUEL H. ~iOROAN <br />FBA.......x N. Ga.ulAx <br />:\. L.ACBENcB 0.6.\"15 <br />CURr::.NCE G. FUllIE <br />FtL\....... K H....X!lIOSD <br />Lr:O:-lABD .J. KEYES <br />JOHN M.SULUVAN <br /> <br />I am writing to you pursuant to our discussion earlier this <br />week regarding the Roseville Local Development Corporation. With <br />'- respect to your questions regarding liability of directors of a <br />nonprofit corporation, I refer you to Minn. Stat. ~317.201, a copy <br />of which is enclosed for your reference. As you can see, subject <br />to certain exceptions, a director of a nonprofit corporation <br />serving without compensation cannot be held civilly liable for <br />his or her actions, so long as such actions were in good faith, <br />within the scope of responsibilities, and do not constitute will- <br />ful or reckless misconduct. <br /> <br />You also expressed some concern regarding the language used <br />in the Purposes clause of Article II of the Articles of Incorpora- <br />tion. Specifically, you questioned the use of the language "but <br />without limitation" appearing in the second paragraph of Article <br />II. The Purposes provisions of the Articles were drafted in a <br />manner that sets forth the general purposes of the corporation, <br />but at the same time, provides some flexibility to allow the <br />corporation to achieve its objectives. A corporation may exercise <br />only those powers which are expressly granted to it in the incorp- <br />oration documents. By giving the corporation broad, flexible <br />powers, the corporation avoids potential claims by third parties <br />who claim that the actions of the corporation are not authorized. <br />You should also note that in Roseville Local Development Corpora- <br />tion's situation, the Board of Directors exercises the ultimate <br />authority to run the corporation. Therefore, regardless of what <br />authority is granted in the Articles of Incorporation, the <br /> <br />\. <br /> <br />2270 MN WORLD TRADE CENTER <br />SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA ~~101 <br />1612) 291'121~ <br /> <br />2200 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO' <br />SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ~ruOl <br />(612) 291'121~ <br /> <br />2400 IDS CENTER <br />MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA ~M02 <br />16121339'0661 <br />