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<br /> <br />~ .317.20 <br /> <br />NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS"" <br /> <br />. 1973 Amendment., Added authorization' tD <br />pay direetors for their servictis 'by bylaws' or <br />both bylaws and articles iD subeL 5. <br /> <br />1980 Amendment.' Revised subeLi. For for- <br />mer text see the maiD volume. <br /> <br />1982 Amendment. Added clause (4) tD subeL <br />8. <br /> <br />., ;. . Not. of Dedsiona <br />Es oftielo dlrec:ton, 2 <br /> <br />.';." <br /> <br />1983 Amendment. Deleted the former subd. <br />12 and added the present subd. 12. <br /> <br />1986 Amendment. Laws 1986, c. 444, ~ I, <br />removed gender specific references applicable to <br />human beings throughout Minn.Stats. by adopt- ' <br />ing by reference proposed amendments for such <br />revision prepared by the revisor of statutes pur- <br />suant to Laws 1984, c. 480, ~ 21, and certified <br />and filed with the secretary of state on Jan. 24, <br />1986. Section. 3 of Laws 1986, c. 444, provides <br />that the amendments "do not change the sub- <br />stance of the statutes amended." <br /> <br />2. Es officio clirecton .' <br />Police pension association had power to adopt <br />bylaws limiting voting rights of ex officio board <br />members. City of Fridley v. Fridley Police Pen- <br />sion Asa'n, App.1985, 367 N.W.2d 99. <br />Where Nonprofit Corporation Act, ~ 317.01 et <br />seq., was already in effect and empowered non- <br />profit corporations to limit rights of ex officio <br />board members at time that legislature enacted ... <br />t 423.803, providing for incorporation and gover- .~ <br />nance of police relief associations, it was to be .' <br />presumed that legislature was aware of power it .":. <br />gave to nonprofit corporations to limit rights of :q <br />ex officio directors when it enacted ~ 423.803, ... <br />governing police relief associations. City of <br />Fridley v. Fridley Police Pension Ass'n, App. <br />1985,367 N.W.2d 99. <br /> <br />~ <br />i <br />317.201. Unpaid directors or trustees; liability for damages 't <br />.4- <br />Subdivision 1. Generally. Except as provided in subdivision 2, no person who serves' .., <br />without compensation as a director, officer, trustee, member, or agent of an organization j <br />exempt from state income taxation under section 290.05, subdivision 2, or who serves <br />without compensation as a fire chief of a nonprofit fire fighting corporation or municipal <br />volunteer fire department, shall be held civilly liable for an act or omission by that person <br />if the act or omission was in good faith, was within the scope of the person's responsibili- <br />ties as a director, officer, trustee, member, agent, or fire chief of the organization, and did <br />not constitute willful or reckless misconduct <br />Subd. 2. Exceptions. Subdivision 1 does not apply to: <br />(1) an action or proceeding brought by the attorney genera:l 'for a breach of a fiduciary <br />duty as a director; , <br />(2) a cause of. action to the extent it is based on federal law; . <br />(3) a cause of action based on the person's express contractual obligation; or <br />(4) an action or proceeding based on a breach of public pension plan fiduciary <br />responsibility. <br />Nothing in subdivision 1 limits an individual's liability for physical injury to the person <br />of another or for wrongful death which is personally and directly caused by that <br />individual, nor the liabilitY of a municipality' arising out of the performance of firefighting <br />or related activities. .~.~, . <br />Subd. 3. Defmition. For purposes of this section, the term "compensation" means <br />any thing of value received for services rendered, except: fl. /' ot <br />(1) reimbursement for expenses aCtually incurred; '3 .., t4 1t;4 <br />(2) a per diem in an amount not to exceed the per diem authorized for state advisory <br />councils and committees pursuant to section 15.059, subdivision 3; or <br />(3) payment by an organization of insurance 'premiums on behalf of a person who is or <br />was a director, officer, trustee, member, or agent of an organization, or who, while a <br />director, officer, trustee, membet, or agent of the organization, is or was serving at the <br />request of the organization as a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or agent of <br />another organization or employee benefit plan against any liability asserted against -and <br />incurred by the person in or arising from ~t capacity. <br />Laws 1986; c. 455, t 62. eft. March 26, 1986.- . Amended by Laws 1987, c. 326; t 2, eff. Aug. 1, 1987. <br />:76 <br /> <br />NONPROFIT C() <br /> <br />1987 LelWaUon <br />The 1987 ameni <br />which previously ~ <br />.. A director or a- <br />tion or association ' <br />the corporation or <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />317 .21. Officer <br /> <br />Subdivision 1 <br />vide otherwise"1 <br />offices of presid <br />and agents deel <br /> <br />(2) Unless the <br />need not be dir, <br /> <br />(3) Any of th <br /> <br />person. <br /> <br />j; <br />~. <br />, <br /> <br />Subd. 3. R <br />persons authol <br />officer's contI" <br /> <br />Subd. 4. }. <br />ment of the t <br />absence of su <br /> <br />(2) An offie <br />an ordinarily <br />exercise. <br /> <br />(3) When 2 <br />the board of <br /> <br />Amended by I <br /> <br />~ <br />i <br /> <br />;fi. <br />:i <br />;, <br />t <br /> <br />1980 Amen <br />former text s, <br />1986 Amer <br />removed gene <br />human bein~ <br />ing by refere <br /> <br />317.22. Me <br /> <br /> <br />Subd. 6. <br />are permit! <br />(2) The 1 <br />the persoD <br />(3) ExCE <br />(a) the : <br />- (b) an 8 <br />bas been <br />(c) whe <br />member's <br />~el <br /> <br />{ <br />