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<br />County as developed in meetings between the Municipality, its citizens and the <br /> <br />County, and also addressing the Act and other relevant Minnesota and/or <br /> <br /> <br />Federal statutep or regulations. The parties agree to cooperate fully in <br /> <br /> <br />establishing priorities and in preparation of the application for a basic <br /> <br />grant amount. Municipality and County agree that the County shall establish a <br /> <br />reasonable time schedule for the development of the grant application. <br /> <br />In preparing the grant application and allocating grant funds received, <br />the County shall consider projects proposed by the Municipalities. The County <br />reserves the right to propose projects which are both consistent with the <br />mutually-established goals, needs and priorities and within the County's <br />statutory implementation authority. No Municipality shall be required to <br />propose a project. <br /> <br />It is anticipated by the parties that the party ultimately implementing <br /> <br />a project funded by monies received from the grant may be either the <br /> <br /> <br />Municipality or the County. The determination of which party will implement <br /> <br /> <br />the project will be made by the parties after consideration of the nature and <br /> <br /> <br />scope of the project, and the ability of each party to undertake the project, <br /> <br /> <br />thought it is understood by the Municipality that the County shall have final <br /> <br /> <br />responsibility for selecting projects from among those proposed by the <br /> <br />Municipalities and the County and filing annual grant requests. The County is <br /> <br />hereby authorized to distribute to the Municipality such funds as are <br /> <br />determined appropriate for the Municipality to use in implementing a project <br /> <br /> <br />and the County is hereby authorized to implement projects within the <br /> <br /> <br />Municipality as are determined appropriate for the County to implement. <br /> <br /> <br />Contracts let and purchases made pursuant to a project under this Agreement <br /> <br />shall conform to the requirements applicable to the entity undertaking the <br /> <br />project. <br /> <br />5 <br />