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<br /> <br />19!;l7 UNIFORM BUIlJ)ING CODi:. <br /> <br />APpeNDIX CI1APTER 29 <br /> <br />Appendix Chapter 29 <br />MINIMUM PLUMBING FiXTURES <br /> <br />SECTION 2905 - GENERAl.. <br /> <br />number of fixtures are the.minimum required as shown in Table <br />A-29-A and are assumed to be based on 50 percent male and 50 <br />pcrc~t female. The occupant load factors shall be as shown in <br />Table A-29-A. <br /> <br />Each building shall be provided with sanitary facilities. including <br />provisions for accessibility in accordat\ce with Chapter 11. <br />'Plumbing :fixtures shall be provided for the type of building oocu- <br />pancy with the .minimum numb= as shown in Table A-29-A. The <br /> <br />EXCEPTION: Where cirClllllSWlces dict:lle that a dilieroT\t ratio is <br />needed, lb.e sh.all be IlpprOved by th" building official. <br /> <br />TABl.E A-:il9-A---MINIMUM PlUMBING FIXTURES1,2,3 <br /> <br /> <br /> WATER CLOSETS. LAVATORIES> <br /> (~flcr pan;on) (tbaUree pl!r peraen) BA1HT1.IB OR SHOWeR <br />TYl"iO OF eUll.OlHQ Oil OC:CUPANC'f4 MAll" FEMALE MALE I'I!MALE (fIlttulH per pllnlcn) <br />For the occupancies listed below, tI.6" 30 squa:re feel (2.78 m:.!) per oCCllpant for the minimum lllltClber of plumbin!'; .6..;~ture$. <br />Group A <br />(:onf~r<mce rooms, dining rooms. drinldng 1:1-25 1:1-15 QU~ for each watcr closet up to rour: <br />esublis.hmems, ~:x:hibit roomS, 2~26. 75 2:26-75 then one for each twO adclitionill <br />gyIDllHS;ums, loung~ Rt.a(ie.,~ nnc;l sJ:mil.u 3:76-115 3:76-125 wllt"r cl08~J:B <br />uses including resta\JI1lllt.& clll.'l!rifi~d RS 4:126-200 4:~:26.;200 <br />Gr01,lP :s Occupancies 5:201-300 5:201-300 <br /> !):301...4LJO 6:301-4DO <br /> Over 400, s.ddone filt1IlIC for each <br /> addiuOIlal200 male!; 0, 1:;0 :&:males. <br />For tile assembly occupancics listed bc.low, use the number oK fixl;d scating or. wbert: no fixed sc.arlng is providod, use 15 squarc feet (1.39 m~) per OCc1I?ant <br />for the minhnUnl number or plwnbing m:tures. <br />M~"IUbly plll.Gc:;,- 1:1-200 <br />Auditori1l1ll5, CQUvention halls, da.nco 1:1-50 3:1-50 1:1.200 <br />floors, lodge rooms, stadiums aI1d ca.sino~ 2:51-100 4:51.-100 2:201.400 2:203-400 <br /> 3:101-150 6.101-200 3:401.750 3:401-750 <br /> 4:151-300 8:201-400 Over 750, add one:fixture for each <br /> Over 300 males, add ooe fixture for additiOnal 500 pe.:rnO;ijO.. <br /> each additiol1M 200. Ilnd av"r 4{l0 <br /> fcw-ales lll;ict one for each 125. <br />For the. assembly occupancies listed below, 1158 tbe 111lmbtt of fixed soatiog or, wbere 110 fL;::ed seating is provided, UlIe 30 square fee! (2.29 In") per O~l'nnt <br />for tho minimuIU number of plumbing fixtures. <br />Worship places <br />Principal assembly aw. aile per 150 olle per 75 one per TWO water ctoaota <br />Warnhip plllc;:s <br />Educational and nctivity unit onc per 125 ono per 75 one per TWO water clOSets <br />Far the occu?ancics listed below, lise 200 "!:juHrO feet (18.58 m:l.) pcr occupllllt fer the minimum nlltClber of plumbing nxtures, <br />GrnnpB <br />Offices or public buildi.ngs 1:1.15 1:1-15 one per two wa.ter clC'SetS <br /> 2::l.6.35 2:16-35 <br /> 3:36-55 3;36-55 <br /> Oller 55; -add one Ior each 50 <br /> persons, <br />FN the OCC\l(\;\"ci~s 1i$I~d nolmv, ll~~ 50 ~q\l~re fe,ct (4,r)~ r:Jz) ]1:r C'cC:llfl~nr tor tl1~ mmirnUi11 nl\mb~r U[ piumbic!; IiJ<.luru~. <br />Grollp E I 1:1-15 l:1.1S one peT 40 olle pc.r 40 <br />Schoolo-for staff use 12:16-35 2:16.35 <br />A 11 schools :l:~h-.<;:; ~:;.tl..5.5 <br /> Over 55. add one fixture for each <br /> additiOllal4O persons, <br />Schools-for student US" 1:1-20 l:j -20 1:1-25 1:1-25 <br />Day Care 2:21-50 2:21-50 2:26-50 2:26.50 <br /> Ovcr 50, add one fixture fur each Over SO, ~ct<l ()n~ fi:rtu:ro ror each <br /> additional 50 persons. a.ddition3150 persons. <br />ElelXleU13ry One pCI 30 one per 2S one per 35 ono. por 35 <br />SeeonduIY one por 40 one per 30 one per 40 OllO For 40 <br />For tho OCC\lpllJ.lcics lis~d below, use 50 SqUSfC feet (4.65 rn:2) per occupant tor the minimum number of plllmbinQ: fixn.u'es, <br />EdUalUOl1 Fllcilities other than (:.rQ11P E lone per 40 on:: por 40 I <br />Others (college~. wrivcrsiries, adult centcrs, <br />ctc.,l one: per 30 one per 40 <br /> <br />(Continued) <br /> <br /> <br />,,::i <br />.Ii:' <br />j ":~ j~ i <br />:'1,1: <br />" 1 <br />'J.: ' <br />1". <br />~ . ~'.:j': <br />:: l'~I: <br />.'i' <br />)1: <br />, ,I.~I ' <br />I.i~,i <br />tl ,~ <br />ill, <br /> <br />;)\:: : <br /> <br />,::,1 I <br />1,i.I:' <br /> <br />r;:I' ! <br />I"', <br /> <br />.t" ; <br /> <br /> <br />~ I <br />" <br /> <br />1 <br />, : <br /> <br />. ' <br />:':1 " <br />.1, <br /> <br />; ~:., '; I, <br /> <br />'I':::, <br />' , <br />" <br />;I~: <br />'j1I~1 <br />I~tl", ",' <br />j !~il, ~,' <br />":i1" I' <br />'lW1., <br />l'I'!I'i' <br />1;,:'11 :jl <br />Iii:: " <br /> <br />Jittl:. <br />11",'1[': , <br />,III: <br />\;.:1 : <br />r'J I <br />:,:;1[" <br />1;:;'1'1' ' <br />"~ I : <br />::j,:: <br />11:\1i',: <br />ir ~;( . <br />....,. <br /> <br />" <br />, , <br />I <br />! <br />