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<br /> <br />Community Development Department <br />651-490-2279 . fax: 651-490-2931 <br /> <br />May 9, 2002 <br /> <br />Mr. Raymond McLevish <br />903 Goodrich <br />Saint Paul, MN 55105 <br /> <br />RE: Request to Street Right-of-Way Vacation. <br /> <br />Dear Mr. McLevish: <br /> <br />Thank you for the recent application regarding the vacation of Chandler Avenue and a portion of <br />McCan-ons Boulevard South. I have reviewed your request with members of the City Staff and <br />have the following comments: <br /> <br />· The application for right-of-way vacation is premature and as such the application <br />cannot be processed. <br /> <br />· The premature nature of the application lies with the need to vacate, assumed for <br />land development, and the difficulty in completing said process. The City will <br />need to review and resolve land development issues prior to relinquishing any <br />public rights-of-way. <br /> <br />· . The topography of the six lots and the adjacent public street right-of-way is <br />unique and contains a designated wetland that must be protected. Wetlands <br />require a 50 foot structure setback and a 30 foot road setback, for which any <br />proposal on the subject lots or public rights-of-way will require close City <br />involvement. <br /> <br />In summary, the City has determined that the identified portion of Chandler Avenue and <br />McCan-ons Boulevard South rights-of-way may no longer be necessary. However, the City, at <br />this time, cannot process your Land Use Application until we fully understand your intentions <br />and work with you on any development proposal. <br /> <br />It is suggested that you prepare a concept development plan for this area, including the street <br />right-of-way, and submit it to my attention. J will forward the proposal to the Development <br />Review Committee for comment; then sit down with to review the proposal and staff comments. <br /> <br />2660 Civic Center Drive .:. Roseville .:. Minnesota .:.55113 <br />651-490-2200.:. TDD 651-490-2207 .:. www; <br />