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<br />87/38/2882 89:27 5512925588 PUBLIC HOUSEING <br />Please state your reasons for wanting to serve as a member of the newly created Housing & <br />Redevelopmen.t Authority: (Please be as specific as possible - use additional sheet if necessary) <br /> <br />PAGE <br /> <br />83/133 <br /> <br />(jJ ;L iU:L. cItW 2~j;:::!i~~~i~t!~ W~J <br /> <br />2-n:i (4 VlIlE"?::t". '.' .~.. t, (1",. J:M~ ildl./~", <br /> <br />/fA llJ.1j..dd .~r-;R)~.;"m1., /.1.;r) Jd/4 C~/Y7;;/r4.Lr2 .-f'tn Sf/)lfMjatJ <br />. . "~" ':;:':J J..., ',A <br />. ~ ~. ,. a w U., JI <br /> <br />g) ,7 MYi - ~ , . (f:;;;1. /Y ;4) a 9"A<"7citfJ <br />h14"J??' ~.. ~ ~C<-1tb~;;J0~~fi~. - ....7t ~L}'10(?lh;;ff/f{l~~.o <br />tM7d ~ /)~A ~ C'L /J.~-{" ~'Ji$: ~ _ __ <br />What iJ your view of lbe role of. member of lbe Ho"in~ & RedevelO~ment Authority? <br />fJer~i;:;;:; ~ 81_~. kn - ~~ i :; @lL(<I/l4:Jil-fnz.. <br />c.;-Ifr.;l CJ{IL IYJo/lll. LJ1g;-mN/UJ tt>>i;;; ffl.J. <ItJ:~ Y?~~4 tf- 7!L <br />#"tkonw.. a6~U1 .J p!"Ih4YJ .r:U1K) ;,/;",/.:r2m~'J/~.aoj ,v~jJ <br />I" )m;~~' 17~{,dlO ~ ,P/)N'ddiLNLJJ /~ 'fa..>{ ~Sft'fk <br />!;::f;f!::l/! ~~io~~;;;iii:;:t?,;;/l(l1?;~f~?i10 <br />at! / Wd (!..I)a /Y~M . cY :J <br />Other Comments: (Include any further infonnatio7'l you would like the City Council to cOtLSider 01' <br />that you feel is relevant to the appointment YOu are seeking. You may also attach other materials you <br />would like the Council to consider.) <br />-e 'dclyr~j' q Ih /", ,[t/utO....o Jnd-Utk- : rf/LJt.'/LJ& <br />~ iu.cckr'l C/, ill. h" ' """. '" ; ~' ~ <br />~~~~~~"'~Ck~ ~J\J>o)p\\ ~tuJV"\ ~~~lNAoll.o ~.lL~.t>>~ \ '\ ~~V\PA) <br />\....M~ '><"'i'~"f\.A J.,\:rj, > ~*I-i, ( <, . ~ tl/Y'd.w~ <br />- t ~~L[-t-, Y"'IVl tA~ ~.) l~c.h 1 (J..chtC ,I ~~M().V\) (' n'=>~ ,; f')\ ,?~~f) ) <br />~ J'iJ&1 bCv\o...<;S'("1f~ ~ ~. ~~ "" -.ill~, c-:s _ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />l'ennessen Warning. SClme or all the information that you are asked to provide is c.lassified by State Jaw as either private <br />or confidential. Private data is information tbat generally caonot be given to the public but can be givEIn to the subject of <br />the data. Confidenti<ll data is information generally cannot be given to either the public or the su~fect of the data. <br /> <br />The City of RoseviUe is collecting ~~ information to determine quaJjfjcations to serve on a Citizen Advisory Commission. <br />You are not legally required tl?~~ide this infonnation. However, if you do not supply the information, you may not serve <br />on a Citizen Advisory .Cott;\~i~ion. <br /> <br />Other persons or ~~ties authorized by law to receive this information are City Council members, staff, residents of <br />Roseville, and interested others. <br /> <br />I understand: <br />· This application is public infoImation. <br />· I may be invited:,tQ ~ interview b)( the City Council that may be audio or video taped. <br />· This appHcatloo ~ be diSQ~cN ~! " py.bU~ Weeting. <br /> <br />CjY!17/ffJ (~-M)/nf1!a03t//cJ) n" L 2 q,2/J{J~ <br />. . ture o.f~9Mt ....': ~~PPhcation <br />