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<br />05/10/2005 14:20 FAX 952 938 8084 <br /> <br />TRI-SHEEN ACRYLIC is <br />packaged ready to use. no thInning <br />Is required, DO NOT THIN, TAl- <br />SHEEN ACRYLIC should be <br />applied only when ambient aIr <br />temperature has been 4soF. Or <br />above for .. period of 1'10 shOr1er <br />than 46 l'Iours prior tCl appUoatlon. <br />AvoId application when the chance <br />01 misl, fElin or ternpGratures below <br />45.F. could result within a 48 hour <br />periOd. <br /> <br />TFlf-SrfEl!!\N ACRYLIC snould <br />be applied using approvad <br />application methode: on sound. <br />clean properly prBpan!ld surf9.C9S. <br />Contact TK Products for addilional <br />technioal assistance. <br /> <br />Coverage: <br />Coverage will be greatly <br />determined by tI.u~ 5ub!'ltm.te <br />porosity, application procedures <br />and wSRlhClr COnrfilions. The <br />square fOOtages liSted below are for <br />reference only. A 150 square foot <br />test area should be applied for color <br />and yield approval. <br /> <br />SU~~Ae~ ~EB~~ <br />U9hl welghl or <br />bmak-G!lbfooll; 101).150SFPG <br /> <br />Sl'ltDOltl pwcasl panels 300-400 SFPG <br /> <br />Owar "TAloSHEEN Conotele <br />$1,J11~r or Vle TRI-CON <br />Sy51l!m Iypq Iellll.ll9S 12lH 7ii SFFlj <br /> <br />Precautions: <br />TRI-SHEEN ACRYLIC contains <br />acrylic resins lfld a minimal amount <br />of ammonia. Excessive prolongllld <br />Inhala~on may resl,llt In headache. <br />nat./llEli and eye or lung Irritation. <br /> <br />first Aid: <br />Int;1el1ttcm: Induce vomiting; call a <br />physician Imm~Cliately. Eye <br />Cont'ac;r: Do not rub, Ilush with <br />clean water for 15 minutes. SkIn <br />c;cmract; Remove by washing <br />thoroughly with soap and water. If <br />eye or skIn Irrttllllon continl,les, <br />oOtain medtcal assistance. <br /> <br />SIERRA CORP <br /> <br />6. AVAILABILITV: <br />TRI-SHEEN ACRYLIC is <br />alr.llable 11'1 1, 5 and 55 gallon <br />containers. TRI-SHEEN ACFlYLIC <br />Ie available In standard colors or <br />can be ordel'lild to match ~rfou6 <br />colors on a custom basis. Please <br />Qubmit cOlor l'ltllndards for pricing. <br />Contact TK Products for the nearest <br />ditltributor. <br /> <br />1. LIMITED WARRANTY <br />TK Pro<II.IOlS. a division of 100 Sierra <br />Corpol'lltlon, warral'llt thaI JI~ prod\.lcls <br />cotdOITr1 10 their label d&scIlpUoos. are froo <br />from mJlnulllel\.lrll'lQ def9Ol$, IlFlCl ~rq III lor <br />the O!'(/lllftry PUlpOS6s lor which such goods <br />lire used. InElQmucl'l Sill the U&G 01 It5 <br />pl'OClUClS try 010015 Bnd oloor raClOI'$ <br />aflgellng produlll pQrfOltnlilnce anl beyond <br />TK PfIXIYGls' oonlrol. TK ProdUC1S ~ nol <br />gUl1mnlBll lhcl I'tIWllI: Ie till abllllllM<1, <br />SHOULD ANY OF ITS PRODUCTS FAIL <br />TO GIVE SATI$~ACTORY RESULTS. TK <br />PRODUCTS WILL REPl^Ce TfolE <br />PRODUCTS OR. AT ITS OPTION, RE. <br />r:UND T",e PURCHASE; PHICE;. THIS IS <br />THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY <br />FOA ANY MILURE OF Tl-lE PRODUCTS <br />OF TK PRODUCTS TO PERFORM AS <br />WARRANTED AND SHALL ALSO CON. <br />STITIJT6; LIQUIDATED DAMAGES IN <br />CASE OF lOSS. UNDER NO OlACUM- <br />stANCES SHAll' THE BUYER BE ENTI- <br />TL6D TO ANV otHER REMeOY OR <br />DAMAGES. REMEDIES FOR INCIDEN. <br />TAL AND CONSEQUENTIAl. DAMAGES <br />ARE SPEOIFIOALL y eXClUOeO. TK <br />PlDdl.lOlg does nOl lluthol1w any person 10 <br />aSl:uma fot h any o\t1." IIftb1l1ly In oonMO- <br />tlon with the sale Of US8 o'l Its producls <br />unless spedllcally authorized by TK Prod- <br />uct!; in wri1i~, S99 also TK PRODUCTS <br />DISClAIMER sacllon below, <br /> <br />8. TECHNICAL SERVICES <br />The TK office offers assllllte."oe <br />with speemoations, performance <br />lest data and field servloos. <br /> <br />9. FILING SYSTEMS <br />Information Handling Services <br />PO BOX '21a <br />Englewood, CO 80150 <br />Information MarketIng Servloes <br />13271 Northand <br />Oak Park;, MI 48237 <br /> <br />!4J003 <br /> <br />tK DISCLAIMER: <br />every 8t1ort hils boon ml\OO 10 ensu~ <br />Ih9 accumcy ~ lhe above IntomlaUon IIIld <br />10 alfOld In'llngM'l\!ll'll clln'lY patDOt or copy- <br />right. 1'118 InlonnllHon Is based on lIald <br />tllsts by goverMllill1l Bnd ponts agili'ICIM. <br />115 willI u lab tests, and on I8chnlclll data <br />from niIW mabJf181 mFJIl'lulactulDm. i11s <br />ptlrson(S) speclljllnlJ or 19qUllsllng lh(. usa <br />QI lh8Sll pl'tXkld1l Is 1'9spot'ltlltlle for aoour. <br />Ing lll~lr IUltablllly for II 1IpAI!IfI!!: U!Ia. liS willi <br />as 1I1e propor appllcallon 01 IIle pl1:.'ducls, <br />Wh9re ltloro l!tl ahY qlJallUon liB 10 1h51 sull. <br />ablllly 01 Ii plIrllculQr product. R $/llall I~ <br />palOO III mcommenlfed. S'Il9 also 1.IMITE:D <br />WARRflNTY (Soctfon 7) above. <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONt Y <br /> <br />3/00 <br />