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<br />PAGE 8/ 11 <br /> <br />FILE No.780 09/22 '03 10:50 ID:WELLINGTON FAX:651 292 0072 <br />S~~ l~ ~~~~ ~~;~b ~~ ~H~YHN~K~ LHW ~1~M bl~ ~~~ ~~~( IV ~b~l~~~~~(~ <br /> <br />Normal and customary site, parking, landscaping and building plan <br />review r~qui~nLs will be followed. The City will make every <br />artempt to streamline the land us~ process so that approvals can be <br />achieved in a timely manner. The zoning for the site will be <br />completed as part of the Final PUD approvals with underlining <br />zoning as Shopping Center (SC) and Mixed Use Business Park (B- <br />6) alon with final lat, dedication improve ents and easementS as <br />per the City Code u division ecnon. Activities, uses, und <br />business operations within the Shopping Center zone are subject to <br />"24 hour perfonnancc standards" if business and/or delivery occur <br />after Wpm and prior ~o 7am. <br /> <br />The Redevelopc~will pay the normal permit and plan review fees, <br />utility aCCc';SS fees and obtain necessary building and orner permits <br />for the consrction of the Development Property. <br /> <br />T&'i.~"llJper j, re'pons;ble fo~;lk dedication fee, whoily or <br />partlally In !leu of th<; dedwauoli of1and for use as publIc parks per <br />the City Code Section 11 requirements and 6ubject to Park <br />Commission review and recommendations TO the City Council. <br />The fees are based upon a percentage of pre-redevelopmenr <br />assessed value of commercialla!\P,. <br />t'h~~r rp"'p~a>h\~ <br />Consultant Reilnbursemen~ The Redeveloper will pay t~ costs of any consultantE, inc1udin~ <br />~ legal, planning, engineering and financial, chat are not City <br />~ -\:;~ ~~p> employees and that the City retains !O assist ir with reviewing, <br />oJ- \" ..~ designing and implementing the proposed project on the <br /> <br />~ 1\^'~f~{\ <0' ~~m~n~~~:rt~:::Er![:b=~:'~~~/ <br />-\'I' ; ~ f.,~ (\ ~ (Il ..~ Jo,"fiGd by Ioo prOJeot Pi :~~ t.h G He .:: ~S.lJ <br />f~ l! ~ t ... J ~ -1" '" l \ r" f) \J J ~~ ~ p <br />w rt ,,~1\(e.1o ~.vlt ) 6 'II" -tt..l C',f.,)J '?.\ f~~i, rtP~ JJ <br /> <br />Emergency Access: <br /> <br />Site Plan Review: <br /> <br />~~ " <br />rl .... t. e., \ c-- <br />~"'\" ~r:"""'" <br />~ \\ (b'-' ..kieJ <br />c;r-" L ft' P"''' lI""~"'" <br />..\p h ~e ~Q (4 <br />.0"" l(P' <br />\J 9! ') Permits: (fJ' <br /> <br />Park Dedication: <br /> <br />1-'.1::)'" <br /> <br />should be considered. Approvals are required by the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District and the City Engineering Depanmem. <br /> <br />All innovative efforts should be ~ci4ressed w provide the <br />maximum green space and/or use of water retention ponding as an <br />am~nitYI Aeration of ponding with fountains is encouraged. A <br />fenced water retention pond will not be acceptable.. <br /> <br />To the extent feasible the Red~;el0pl;wi1l1 on terms acceptable to <br />the City, maintain emergency vehicle "access during all demolition <br />and construction periods. The access way will be locared off <br />County Road B and co~erce Street to the Redevelopment <br />Property. The Redevelope will proviqe reasonable notice when <br />such access will be unavai a Ie for short periods of time and will <br />(subject to unavoidable: delays) limit such periods to no more than <br />30 days. <br />