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<br />O~/I0/2005 14:21 FAX 952 936 6064 <br /> <br />TRI-SHEEN ACRYLIC is <br />paoka.ged r8a~ to U$e, no thinning <br />is required. DO NOT Tt1IN. TAI- <br />SHEEN ACRYLIO should be <br />applied only when amblei'll air <br />temperature has baan 45"F. or <br />above for a period of no shorter <br />than 48 !'lOurtl prlor to application. <br />Avoid application when the chance <br />of mist. rain or temperatures below <br />45~F. could re5:ult within a 4S hOur <br />periOd. <br /> <br />TFlI-SHeeN ACRYLIC should <br />be apl=llied usIng approved <br />application methods on sound. <br />clean properly pr6pared surfaces, <br />contact TK Proc!uots for additional <br />technical assistance. <br /> <br />coverage: <br />Coverage will be greatly <br />determined by the substrate <br />porosity, 8IJplication proo&dures <br />and weather condItIons. TIle <br />square footages listed below are for <br />reference only_ A 150 sq....QI'(! foot <br />test Ql'aA llhould be applied for COlor <br />and yield approval. <br /> <br />SURFACE COVERAGE <br />Light W8/ght or <br />br9ak.<lfl bIQd< 100.1 SO SFPG <br /> <br />SmlXJlh prncasr P3Ml!l 300-400 SFPG <br /> <br />OlrerTRI.SHEEN CorIcI'ele <br />SurI_r or the TRI-CON <br />S)/flt91'1l t'YP\IIlo11)(!l,lrN 125-1715 SFPG <br /> <br />Precautions: <br />TRI-SHE:E:N ACRYLIC contains <br />acryllo resins and a minimal amount <br />of ammonia. Exces.sive prolonged <br />Inhalation may result In headache, <br />n.ul!I'l!I and eye or lung Irrlll1ltlon. <br /> <br />First Aid: <br />'r1ger:mon: Induos vomiting; oall a <br />physician immediately. Eye <br />oomacr: 00 not rub. flush with <br />clean water for , 5 minute$.. Skin <br />Contact: Remove by washing <br />thoroughly with loap and wlW. If <br />eye or skin irritation continues. <br />obtain mediol!lll!lUistance. <br /> <br />SIERRA CORP <br /> <br />6. AVAILABIUTY:' <br />TAl-SHeEN ACRYLIC is <br />available In 1, 6 Md 55 gallon <br />containEll'tl. TFlI.SHEEiN ACRYLIC <br />illl avallame In SlanClara COlOrs or <br />can be ordered to match various <br />00101'$ on a oUBtOm basis. PJeoalil9 <br />submit oolor slandards for pricing. <br />Contact TK Produots for the nearest <br />distributor. <br /> <br />7. LIMITED WARRANTY <br />TK Products. a dl'lllllon Df The Sleml <br />ColJXlralloT1. W9.ffilOIG that 115 pt'I>:lUOl8 <br />c:onronn to !heir laOOl dqgcriptloos. am Ime <br />from mQl'lUladUl1ng detects, and ill,.. '" for <br />!he ordinary purpo~ for whlch such goods <br />,aM utlad. Inat>ll'lucl'1 Ill: 1M U~ of !g <br />products by oI1'M!1'Il IInd oIher factors. <br />:lff/lCllng Product pel1ormanoe altl ~yond <br />11< Products' control, TK Products doos nol <br />g~lMlOO t!'le !$SUnS to be om~ln<<l, <br />SHOULD ANY OF ITS PRODUCTS FAIL <br />TO GIVE SA'fI$PACTOFlY ~E$ULTS, TK <br />Pr:lOOUCTS WILL REPLACE THE <br />PRODUCTS OR, AT liS OPTION. RE- <br />FUND THE PURCHASE PRICE. THIS I~ <br />TliE SOLe ,AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY <br />FOR ANY FAILURE OF THE PRODUOTS <br />OF TI< PRODUOTS TO PERFORM AS <br />WARRANTED AND SHALL ALSO CON. <br />SiITUT~ L,IQUIDATEO DAMAGES IN <br />CASE or: LOSS. UNDER NO CIRCUM. <br />STANCES SHAlL THE SUYER BE ENTI- <br />TlED TO ANY OTHeR REMEDY OR <br />DAMAGES. REMEDIES FOFl INCIDEN. <br />TAL AND CONSEOUENTIAl OAMAGES <br />ARE SPECIFICALLY E;XOLlJDED. n; <br />ProdlJCtg d"", no1 IUlltlcrt~a 3.rtf pel'SOO to <br />aSSUlJ1e Jor II any oIhgr liability in connoo- <br />tlon with Ihlll ~lfiI or uae of lIe pftXklcts <br />lIDless specifically authorized by TK Prod- <br />UClU! In wl'lIlng. $eQ 1100 TK PRODUCTS <br />DISCLAIMER socIlon below. <br /> <br />8. TECHNICAL SERVICES <br />The TK offll:El offers assistance <br />with speclflca.tlons, performance <br />. test d~ta. Md field services. <br /> <br />9. FILING S!YSlTEM$ <br />Information Handling Services <br />1'0 BOX 1~1a <br />Englewood, CO 80150 <br />Information Marketin9 Servi~$ <br />13271 Northend <br />Oak Park, M I 48237 <br /> <br />19] 005 <br /> <br />TK DISCLAIMER: <br />Every aflort haS bQopn made to ~ <br />lhe llCCUI8C)' 01 the above lntlll'Tl1ailon !II'Id <br />eo aI/old Infringement 01 any palent or oopy- <br />rioi'd ThA InfOnnRtIon Is basecl 0\'\ fl,gld <br />IG$\$ by gOl/l!lr'1'11'1'ler'lt W1d p"vE\llil IIglM'1cl85, <br />All _II as lab tBSls, ~nd on technical d!\lA <br />from mw mlltllrilll manWactut9l'S. The <br />pel'tOl'\(~) apeoIfylng or ~ng 1118 use <br />01 th9sG pmduc:Is Ie responslble lor :l$ll,lr" <br />11'19 lhelr oolllWlllty rQr tI .spOOlllc U!e. as well <br />lIS lhe proper application of the produOlS. <br />Where ~l'O II!! any question as to 1M $UII. <br />ability of l!. panlcular pro<1uel. a .mall I,*t <br />palch is rncommElnckld. Soo also LIMITED <br />WARRANTY (9<<.11011 7) aboVE!. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY <br /> <br />alOO <br />